Perseus meets the Council

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AN: I routinely have people question the accuracy of my world, and while some changes maybe inaccurate and totally of my own volition (like Athena's hair being blonde, for example), others (such as the Greek and Roman side of gods), are made to be as accurate as possible for my readers. While I do love feedback, make sure you are absolutely sure that I am wrong before you post a review or comment trying to correct me.

Responding to reviews

In response to 'TheNobel1': If you read, you will notice that my readers voted for a harem. I suspect that most readers' negative connotation of a harem is that the women in the harem become objects and have no personality by the end of the book. If you notice, my book is primarily centered on action, and with my best dialogue skills, this will be avoided. Everyone should at least give a harem fic a try.

In response to 'HellRaiderS': Thank you!

In response to 'AG23': You'll find out in this one!

In response to the faithful 'Guest': Thanks!

In response to 'ThunderSphinx': No. You are incorrect, Discordia is the roman form of Eris, obviously. Bellona's closest Greek aspect is Enyo, and while you are correct in that she technically doesn't have a Greek form, I made it Enyo because it is the closest form of Enyo.

Perseus meets the Council

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 16

Mars lay dormant in bed, having been asleep for nearly a week now.

The throne room of Olympus was dead silent.

Not a single chirp could be heard from the usually feuding Olympian council.

Every single god could feel that something was off, and everyone fell silent, nervous in their thrones as they leaned on the edge of their seats.

Suddenly, cracks appeared all over Ares' blood red throne.

The Olympians watched in shock as the throne of the war god crumpled into dust.

A cardboard box appeared in front of them, and Hermes was in the room with them...

Zeus turned pale white, shaking as he rose from his throne. Droplets of sweat appeared over his forehead as he opened the box, and screamed in terror.

The other council members took a look, and had various degrees of reactions, ranging from shock to disgust to an ejecting of matter from the stomach (Aphrodite).

Tattooed across the forehead of Ares were the words "The Ascension of the Fallen has begun."

Elsewhere, in Perseus' base, Mars lay in a vegetative state, close to awaking again as nymphs and naiads scurried around, bringing the doctor ingredients as they attempted to wake him. His domains had gone into overdrive as he had to essentially carry two times his load due to the death of his Greek counterpart, Ares. Thus, his bodily functions were shutting down, and he was in a state of unconsciousness, purely connecting with his expanded domains.

Drops of water fell from stalactites onto the floor as the dripping droplets echoed throughout the massive cavern.

A dark figure tread carefully, his boots crunching on the floor as he entered into the very heart of the cavern, the roof several hundred feet high.

He narrowed his eyes, noticing something on the roof.

Suspended in a cage from the ceiling was the unconscious goddess of the hearth, her clothes slightly ripped and torn, and bruises and gashes all over her skin.

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