Perseus gains a new friend

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AN: Christmas special!! I've spent a while on this chapter, and I held it off until this day, just as a gift for you guys. Some people chimed in on the discord server, and I really took their feedback into consideration.

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Perseus gains a new friend

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 20


Perseus grimaced slightly, tearing the wraps from his skin. Although Chronos essentially forcing his power into him accelerated the healing of the more major injuries like his broken ribs and what not, some part of the primordial's power didn't blend well with Perseus' and had caused numerous rashes and burns to appear on his skin.

"You shouldn't just be tearing your wraps off like that," she stated with an accusatory look in her eyes.

"Are you so sure? I know you'd love to see this," he gestured to his torso.

Calypso couldn't respond, reduced to a golden blushing, stuttering mess as he tore his wraps from his torso, revealing his masculine body in all of its glory and stood to his height of six foot four, towering over the titaness.

"Not to spite you and your work though, but I really must get back to training. It's been several weeks since I've landed on this island, and I need to be in tip top shape if I am to defeat all those primordial pests... excluding Nyx of course," he added.

They had grown close over the past couple of weeks, with the two opening up to each other.

Calypso had initially avoided Perseus, the titaness believing that she could never get off the cursed island of Ogygia.

However, as with Perseus' charm, one could never stay away from him for long.

He told her of his life, of his triumphs and few defeats and his reign as king, and of his fall from grace. She told him of gardening and weaving, of her lonely life, trapped on the island.

He told her of the friends and allies he made in Tartarus, his unwavering loyalty to his friends. He spoke of his conflicting emotions about his four nieces and nephews despite the facts which proved their innocence, courtesy of the hearth goddess.

For an immortal, she was an exceptionally good listener.

Until he told her of his love life.

"Let me get this straight," she stated incredulously, her palms hitting the sand as the two sat next to each other on the beach, "Aphrodite visited you, and she told you that you need several mates to reach fulfillment?"

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