War of Fog

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War of Fog

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 24

A white, frothy cascade of water fell into a plunge pool, with rocky outcroppings and moss... slippery rock and lush grasses, plants and flowers. Mist and spray were made from the roar of the water, little rainbows created from the sun and the gentle billowing breeze of the winds flowed past.

Hestia paused in her place, sensing a presence near her. Her feet touched the cool grass as she padded towards the water, admiring the scenery.


The hearth goddess whirled around. Soft, hazel almond eyes met her brown ones, both taking in the sights of each other. Wavy, caramel curls cascaded towards her slim shoulders, falling gracefully and lazily atop them, beautifully framing her elegant face. She had high, regal cheekbones adorning her face as if she were some sort of princess, and her lips were upturned into a soft smile.


The goddess of the hearth and the titaness locked eyes with each other, both frozen like deer caught in headlights. Neither had expected to see each other in this specific clearing, away from distractions.

"Why have you come here?"

"I- I'm aware of your arrangement with Perseus," Hestia admitted, eyes blazing slightly, "I-"

"And I'm aware of your predicament," Calypso stepped towards her, her white toga blowing slightly in the wind, "But I'm wiling to try."

Hestia was taken aback by Calypso's frankness, "I-"

The titaness merely smiled, "You did not expect me to be so honest, no? Truthfully, I mean you no harm. I'm willing to try this."

Hestia nodded, although her red lips were still set in a slightly thin line, "I am willing as well."

"Then there is no need to go about it like jealous schoolgirls, is there?" Calypso arched an elegant eyebrow, hands on her hips.

Hestia nodded, wholeheartedly agreeing.

"And who knows? Perseus is a king so great he needs several queens... but when the king isn't around... who will satisfy the queens? Perhaps each other?" Calypso winked at the hearth goddess, licking her lips sultrily.

Hestia turned into a blushing, stuttering mess as the titaness sauntered away.

What game was she playing at?


The daughter of Zeus moved towards the woods, her movements fluid. She kept to the shadows, crouching so that she wasn't seen. It was after curfew, after all. It wouldn't do to be caught by Chiron, not while she was trying to contact Perseus.

She stepped outside the camp's borders gingerly, and, after holding her breath for a moment, released it. The woods were quiet; the coast was clear.

Quiet... almost too quiet.

The hair on the back of Thalia's neck stood up, and she instantly dropped to the ground, claws passing over her head.

Could she get just a week of rest?? She'd been attacked by that weird, silver-haired man just a few days ago, and now this? She was fed up.

She dodged the next slashes and moved to put distance between her and her opponent, her can of mace becoming her spear. Her bracelet turned into her shield, but it didn't faze her opponent.

That did it. Her shield was a copy of Aegis, with Medusa on her shield. Everyone flinched at it. Her opponent was either a feral beast, or a psychopath.

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