The Age of Darkness

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AN: New Chapter! Sorry for not posting in so long, I was sick (not COVID).

This chapter is a little short since I didn't want to keep any of you guys waiting any longer.

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Current tallies are 65 to 48 FFN in favor of a harem, 24 to 5 Wattpad in favor of a harem

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The Age of Darkness

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 9

After the Elean Wars

A weary, tired warrior looked far into the distance of the barren, Sahara landscape.

All one could see was sand for miles, but they had to be on guard.

Sahara was a death trap, they called it. And they were right.

For one who was to journey beyond the lands of Greece would only find the vilest and exotic of creatures from Tartarus.

For out here were no Empousai, no Drakons, no Cyclopes, or any of your run-of-the-mill monsters. In the great Sahara, only the most powerful and cunning of creatures resided; monsters that had adapted to the harsh, arid climate of the Sahara. Luckily for them, they had met none so far.

The man and his crew had trekked wearily across the Great Plains and hiked across the Mountains of the Peloponnesian peninsula, always praying to Lord Perseus first before all of the gods along the way.

Though he had no domains in travel like Lord Hermes or had no domain of the Sea like Poseidon, Perseus' domain of time single handedly made him the most powerful god on Olympus.

They had sailed across the Great Mediterranean Sea, and fought the most powerful sea creatures, including the Kraken, regrettably losing more than a few comrades along the way.

Fighting the soldiers of Carthage had been no easy feat, but they had managed to pull through.

The journey was long and hard, but at last they were in the Sahara.

A once prideful team had been torn down to a rag-tag group of soldiers.

The only god who had influence this far from the land of Greece was Lord Perseus.

He still granted his mortal protégé aid rather frequently for a god. Food and water were delivered often than not, which was mainly what allowed them to survive in such a harsh climate.

Why had they come out here?

The lost staff of Aesea.

Persetris sighed, checking the ancient scroll of Lore again. He had to be careful not to break the damn thing, old ass piece of paper.

He carefully unrolled the scroll and read through it again.

Aesea was once the guardian of the Gem of Time; an invaluable stone that was made the heart of the world when Chronos created it using all his immortal power.

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