Season 2 Favorite Songs

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Songs as they came on into the show.
"Meet The Pops"
"Dance Again"
"Kinda Crazy!"
"Everything I Wanted!"
"My Oh My!"
"Feel Me"

Feel Me is a Rap song so it is ranked separately and because Cosmic, Crystal's rhymes were so incredibly clever it deserves a 9.5 I considered the music didn't fit it or its background scene very well
"Changes" is the strongest song on this ranking list not only because it is about swapping powers may be even half a life since the Super Pops were so attached to their powers with their teammates. It is awkward. Changes are always awkward. That just kinda of a fact and some people might think that fact sucks, but I love that one of their most impactful and important phrases is in this so.

"Try something new. If it doesn't work out; it's up to you. The Power is yours!" so that ranks this song right at a 10 and even the music is most epically awesome music.

"Heroes" is an excellent song and deserves a ten, great message, lyrics are absolutely excellent, right rhythm and over the top really elegant performance by the actresses. This deserves a 10.

"Kinda of Crazy" is next on my list to rank while not as dramatic as the one before it does back up the message that patient is a virtue which Changes did first so this is also ranked at a 9.5. the music is lower and the message to just slow maybe very redundant to some people but not to me. Especially not where I live right now.

"Falling" I love the message that bring up in this song because nothing is true than not always being able to trust your eyes. I for one am grateful for having ears that hear twice as much as my family that I live with. I think by estimated guess that my hearing is probably a 3 or 4 if I can hear insects flapping around in my home out of a 1 to 10 scale so this one means so much to me. This definitely 9 for me based on the encouragement of learning to use one's ears even more and begin to hone your skills of being great listeners. I can hear so well I can hear a ladybug zipping around my bedroom at night that happened 2 years ago and I can't forget it.

"My Oh My!" it's an incredible song an excellent paraphrasing rant that perfectly backs up other songs from the other seasons. The only issue with this one is that the music is not really meant for the type of lyrics so this is 8.5.

"Dance Again" and even "Kinda Crazy" is at 8. Why? Because it feels like it's a little bit of a nod to Changes even though it has a very great message as was another reminder about slowly down and actually thinking before you make a move. So this is an 8.
"Everything I Ever Wanted" it is so similar lyric wise and pattern wise to "Heroes which is why I can't rank it up above them compared to the other songs in Season 2 despite some positive sentences and clever rhymes it just falls flat and it's not one that you won't get sick of soon. For the pirate theme music which was cool it is a 7.5. It's just wasn't that intriguing but it's way better than the second to last song they have ever done on the entire show which is "Get Outta My Hair" which is by Far On My Trashy Totally Tv songs meaning that it's the worst song one on all of the Totally Tv channel and not just specifically The Super Pops Show! I don't know how they expect anyone to like that one. That one just has absolutely poor taste all the way through.

"Meet The Pops" is a special song that also deserves a category of its own as there is nothing quite like it as well. So that is why I can't rank it because it's just so unique compared to the other songs and is more introducing the characters as they sing and the Super Pops don't usually sing about themselves.
End of Season 2 Favorite Super Pops Songs. See ya.

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