"Sunshine and Daises" Lyrics K- Pops and Super Pops Unite

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And here are a few more pictures too to round off that last chapter before we get and incredible incredible song

Fiona picture will appear if you slide the video over!And here are a few more pictures too to round off that last chapter before we get and incredible incredible song

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Sunshine and Daisies Super Pops and K-Pops Song

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Sunshine and Daisies Super Pops and K-Pops Song

Glow: I know we've all been busy and we run

And we rung and we go

And we go

Electra: Nobody said it was easy!

But just once in awhile can we take it slow. (kittycatlover23-next time one of your readers tell you to hurry up you can quote Electra Pop! I immediately thought of you when this lyrical line came up)

Cosmic: I wanna feel the cool breeze blowing!

Stop for a minute and smell the roses!

Crystal: I wanna lay on my back and watch the clouds

As they float by!

All K-Pops and Super Pops: Sunshines and Daisies

And feeling kind of lazy!

Sometimes you have to catch your breath

Feel the sun with your friends and everyone

Just like magic powers, I could stay for hours

In the Sunshine and Daisies

Sunshine and Daisies

Cosmic: I wanna feel the cool breeze blowing!

Stop for a minute and smell the roses!

Crystal: I wanna lay on my back and watch the clouds

As they float by!

All K-Pops and Super Pops: Sunshines and Daisies

And feeling kind of lazy!

Sometimes you have to catch your breath

Feel the sun with your friends and everyone

Just like magic powers, I could stay for hours

In the Sunshine and Daisies

Sunshine and Daisies

And feeling kind of lazy!

Sometimes you have to catch your breath

Feel the sun with your friends and everyone

Just like magic powers, I could stay for hours

In the Sunshine and Daisies!

Sunshine and Daisies!

Sunshine and Daisies!🎶

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