Season 3 Super Pops Favorite Songs

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Songs in the Order they come along in the Show.

"The Man"
"Adore You"
"Break My Heart"
"Don't Start Now"
"You Need To Calm Down!"
"Say So"
"Stuck With You!"
"Detonate!" (the episode is called "Done" but I believe the Song is actually called "Detonate!")
"Rain on Me!"

"Intentions is a 7 why because the music is too loud to understand the words that they are trying to say in the song and the flow is so off and awkward.

"Boyfriend" doesn't have a ranking here because like a couple of other songs that I have mentioned are so unique they just can't be ranked at all, friends so this is another one of them.

"Detonate!" is a 10 for me. It's just so good! I have been able to listen to that one over and over again. I don't have headaches and doesn't get stuck in my head either. And it actually feels refreshing to the mind as most music should be able to make you feel and this one you can listen to on repeat and still proud of the Super Pops and their accomplishments with it. Amazing!

"The Man" is almost a tie at ten but I'm going to rank it at 9.9 if only the music backed up the words a little bit better and made them as strong as they were in "Detonate" then maybe I would list it as it as a separate special category all together. It's similar to the first two songs the Super Pops did. It is also similar to "Changes" and "Heroes" as subtlety implied themes are repeated in another way. In the episode tho song is in Cosmic is my actual favorite especially right before this song because sometimes desperate times call for calling out the bad guy and blurting out the truth right in his face. You go Cosmic! The lines are cleverly written and make sense it's just the music doesn't match rhythmically with the words as well as "Detonate" does.

"Rain On Me!" is 9.8 an excellent message and recognizing that sometimes you have to step into other shoes to see how they see their imperfect lives and that opportunity can bless you in a million ways you would never understand till it happens to wash over you or in the case of this song Rain over You! Majesty says something very important before the song is sung that rings deep with truth truer than most sentences.

"Say So" This is also a 9.6 because they're something's we need to say to just get them out of our head and when we speak them it is easier to relax and you will feel at least 50% refreshed after you get somethings off your chest. It will not only make it easier on you by making yourself more relaxed and have less of a headache but constant worry won't be directly in the front of your mind as soon as you finish talking about it and it will be able to improve your relationship with your closest friends because of you just saying so just like the Super Pops encourage in this song. So go ahead and just "Say So."

"Don't Start Now" I really appreciate this one for showing how important it is to someone to love someone more than just halfway. If you are going to love someone like Cosmic did you should never go just half way you should go as far as you can go over a course of time it shows how well little moments turn into big moments, reinforces loyalty staying intact, take time to talk about things, and reminding people that they are better off as who they already were not who someone made them to be by some crazy spells. This makes it a 9 in my ranking. Not only does it do all the mentioned above it also reminds again the virtue of patience from both perspectives of Cosmic and Spike. Those two are the most Adorable School Couple.

"You Need To Calm Down" This song is hilarious, the words, the rhythm the music everything worked in harmony and it became one of the best Super Pops I have heard other than "Detonate", "The Man" and "Changes"! so I can't not rank it any higher because it's not the first song of the season; I will rank it exactly at an 8.9 because for the effort everyone put in and how well it shines through this is where it deserves to be for now. It can't have any lower place than that period. The only similarity that this song has is that it has the same intensity that two other songs in this ranking list had.

"Break My Heart" is basically both Defensive and Offensive Rant Song. I don't like the style of the music in this episode I am going to rank it at 8.7. The lyrics was superbly clever with the rhyming as it fit for a Wonderland Themed Song but the Christmas Song "Under The Mistletoe was totally way better than this one. The rhythm felt slightly off. The voices were gorgeous though.
"Stuck with You" is a special song in which the current Super Pops, Majesty and Cheshire promised to stand at Glow's Side from here on out. It's a unique song reconnecting all the songs that have rehashed the importance of loyalty and making sure this loyalty amongst the teams last. So this one isn't going to have a ranking either because it just doesn't fit with normal circumstances of ranking.

"Adore You" is also such a unique directly dedicated to Electra Pop after she returns from accidentally being turned bad because of Siphony it's an excellent way for her team to say welcome back and there it doesn't fit into any normal category as there aren't too many of this type of song in this particular show.

Hopefully you enjoyed.

Season 4 Favorite Super Pops Songs coming soon next chapter and we're getting close to the end of this book.

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