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Jester aka Rain accidentally hits James with the Avalonia wand Majesty had as a child Well turned out as a result of being accidentally hit he gained Super Powers himself. And he finds that everyone swapped places via his astral project places.

Meet another alternate reality episode where all the Bunglars think they are Super Pops and the Super Pops think they are the Bunglers but as most fairytale romances go love real genuine love between people like Emma and James goes beyond the outside change of clothes.

You should recognize all characters despite the spell because of their face shapes of their figures.

Chloe/Cosmic in Hoppy's costume
Emma/Electra in the Jester's costume
Jess/Majesty in Mizeree's costume
Finlay/ Flash in Castrophe's costume
Gia/Glow in Calispa's costume

Calispa in Glow's outfit
Amber/Castrophe in Flash's outfit (honestly they already hinted that kind of look back in the episode "Changes").
Mizeree in Majesty's costume
Rain/The Jester in Electra's costume
Hoppy/Cosmic's costume.

Hope you're less confused. Remember Amber from Baywood Academy in the Cheerleading episode well she's indecisive by the end of the episode.

"I'm so sorry Electra, but I have to do this," James responds.

"Where are we?" asked Emma.

"We're in your mind," explains James. "I know you're lost right now, but I am gonna help you remember who you are."

"Is this some kind of cheap magic trick?" She asked.

"You've always been so smart and kind to others even if they start out as strangers to you." James states...

"You're a great dance partner; the best girlfriend that a guy could ask for, and heroic," He continues on revealing Emma's true inner self to her himself. "You're always putting others first even if it means putting yourself in danger. And that's why- that's why I love you."

He pauses for a moment and then said, "I loved you since the moment I first saw you, Electra."

"James, you love me?" asked Emma.

"With my whole heart," answered James.

"James, I love you too!" Emma exclaims.

"Just so we're on the same page, who do you think you are?" He asked.

"I'm Electra." Emma responds. "But I'm in the Jester's clothes! This is weird I don't like it!"

"Boy am I ever glad to hear you say that." James said.

"James, can we talk about those sweet new magic skills you have. What exactly are they?" inquired Emma.

"Well, I have been projecting places." said James.

"It sounds like you have astral projection skills. Who knows how many other things you could do too?"


"Right, sorry got excited," Emma says.

"You're so cute when you get excited," James states.

"Okay let's go figure out how to turn everything back to normal!" Emma concludes.


"What do we do now, Majesty?" asked Cosmic.

"We need to go to the Spaceship and talk with the real Bunglers immediately." Majesty announces.

"Yeah, let's give them a piece of our mind!" exclaims Flash.

"And power!" Gloom responds.

"Not so fast. We can't just go and punish the Bunglers because as far as they know they are the actual good guys and we wouldn't want to punish them for being good guys." Majesty tries to explain.

"But they turned us into Bad guys." Glow adds in her own opinion. "And I'm not about that life!"

"These versions didn't turn you bad though," said Majesty. "And we shouldn't treat them as such either. James while we talk with the Bunglers will you please let Cheshire out."

"And tell him we're really really sorry we kidnapped him," spoke Flash.

"Yeah, really really sorry," Cosmic agreeded.


"She means me. You see we're all under a spell. We assume you the Bunglers intended to turn us bad for good but something must have went wrong because we all ended up switching places." Emma answers.


"Super Pops, I'm sorry to do this to you, but it's your choice whether to be good or bad because being human is having the ability to make that choice," says Majesty.

"Yeah," agreeded Glow. "The decision shouldn't be made for you by some magical mistake. Although it would be awesome if you chose to be good after all that is said and done."

"Glow, can you use some of your sun power to try and lift the spell for a short while so our Super Pops can break the spell?"

"I can try," answers Glow confidently.

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