Chapter 1

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Today was my first day at the Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico. I woke up, took a shower and dress up for the day. I decide to go with a simple look; a white blouse, black slacks, and some black heels. I head to the kitchen to get some coffee and some breakfast. When I finished, I headed out and drive to the office. I arrive 15 minutes early so I walk into the building and try and find the floor I should go to. The receptionist tells me the sixth floor. When I arrived, I walked into the office and I got called by a nice looking man wearing a black suit with a red tie.

"Agent Y/l/n" I looked and walked over to the man that called my name; your Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. Not going to lie he is very attractive, but I can't think about that right now, Not on my first day and him being my boss.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can I see you in my office?" He asked and I nod following him to his office. At his office he gestures me to the seat in front of me and I sit. He introduced himself and we shook hands and he took a sit at his desk and look at some files he had in front of him.

"I took a look at your resume and I was impressed. Now I got a question. Why the BAU?" He asked. And I was kinda nervous because he was so serious but didn't pay a lot of attention so I ignored it for now.

"I've always been interested in criminals and their behavior the why was the question I constantly asked myself when I'd see or read a story of crime" I said and he seem to be convinced my answer and proceed to stand up and gesture me to follow him out of his office. Stopping in front of the railing he said: " I'd like to introduce you to Agent Y/n Y/l/n."

A crowd of 6 people came around from all over the bullpen. Hotch pointed to all of them: "This is Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, David Rossi and Penelope Garcia" . They all said hi and seem like nice people to get along with.

Hotchner shows me to my desk and Garcia helped me get familiar with the system. Morgan offered if I needed help to not hesitate and ask and also to give me a tour of the place which I gladly accepted. When Morgan and I were back we see Agent Jareau walking to the bullpen with a file on her hand and said we have a case. When we arrive at the conference table I see everyone sitted and the only sit left was beside Agent Hotchner. I go sit and offer a smile to him, he offers a small smile back which surprises me a little because when we meet he was all serious.

He tells Garcia to present the case. "16 year old, Julia Martin went missing in Georgetown, Delaware Tuesday night at 10:32pm. She goes to Sussex Ventral High School, she is a sophomore and keeps to herself, she has a few close friends. She doesn't go out very often." she said.

"Wheels up in 30" he said and later on you guys got on a jet in which he said: " Prentiss, Morgan and I will go to the police station to set up. JJ and Reid go talk to the family. Y/n you're with Rossi, I want you guys to go to the school and talk to her teachers and friends."

You guys head to the SUV's

"So how do you like it so far?" Agent Rossi asks me.

"It's great but I have a question. Is Hotchner always so serious?" I ask him. He give me a look but answers me with: " Most of the time, but he'll warm up to you"


We solve the case and are in the bullpen doing paperwork. Time passed and I'm the last one there besides Hotchner that's in his office. He comes out and is surprise to see me still here.

"Hey Y/l/n what are you still doing here?" He asks

"Oh hey umm I still got two files to finish" I say to him in which he gives you a sympathetic look.

"Do you need any help? I can help you." He says

"Oh no I don't want to bother. I'm sure you still got work to do" I said. I really didn't want to bother him when most likely he wanted to finish, go home and get some rest.

"It's no bother, here let me help" he tells me and I smile at him and hand him a file. 2 hours later you have finished all the files and gave them to Hotchner for him to signed them off.

"Well thanks for your help. I'm going to go home now. Goodnight."  I say with a smile and he says:
"No problem. Goodnight Y/l/n."

The next day I wake up and decide to bring everyone coffee which honestly anything will be better than the coffee from the office. I arrive at the coffee shop and order the coffees and are on my way to the BAU. When I arrive I see everyone in the bullpen and when they see me with coffee they say there thank you's.

"Thank You mama" Morgan says to me when I gave him his coffee and kisses my cheek which I noticed he did with everyone.

JJ, Spencer and Emily all say thank you and continue working. I head to Rossi's office and gave him his coffee which he said " Thank you Bella." Kissing my cheeks. "Anything is better than the coffee from here." Earning a laugh from me. Then, I decide to head to Hotchner's office and give him his coffee.

"Good morning Hotchner. Here is your coffee." I said and smile at him. He look so concentrated doing his work that he didn't noticed me when I entered his office.

"Oh thanks Y/l/n and you can call me Hotch" he says and offers me a small smile. I nod and head to my desk.  As soon as I sit on my desk JJ comes and says "We got a case".

You guys discuss the case and go to the jet.  You guys go to Texas. While in the jet you discuss more about the case and Hotch gives everyone orders in what to do when you arrive. In the meantime everyone took a nap.

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