Chapter 9

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Next morning I get woken up by my alarm. I turn the alarm off and head to the bathroom. I look a mess. I take a shower, get dressed and head to the kitchen to make some coffee and a light breakfast. When I finished I head out to the office. Arriving I see everyone with sunglasses and chuckle at the view. Guess they don't handle hangovers that well.

"How do you look like that?" Garcia says looking at me.

"Like what?" I say laughing.

"Like you didn't get drunk last night." Morgan says confused by my look.

"I don't know" I say walking to my desk.

"You know, statistics say it is more common for women to inhibit signs of alcohol withdrawal after a short amount of time meaning that their hangovers tend to be worse." Spencer says.

"Thanks Spencer." Emily says sarcastically.

Everyone laughs. Hotch and Rossi come from their office to the bullpen and notice our state.

"Guys you look terrible." Rossi says trying to suppress a laugh.

"I agree. At least it's paperwork day." Hotch says with his stern look.

He looks at me and I don't know why but I feel he knows something that I don't. I ignore it and decide to get everyone coffee and breakfast. Coming back I hand everyone their food and begin to work. Hotch comes out of his office and calls for me to go to him. I don't know what for but I go and knock on the door hearing a "come in" he gestures me to sit and he comes to sit at his desk chair.

"Y/n do you remember last night?" He says looking nervously at me.

"What about last night? You know I was drunk so I need a refresh." I say giving him a confused look.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He asks.

"Umm us coming from the dance floor to sit with Rossi and you and then we order more drinks and everyone left and if I'm not mistaken you gave me a lift home?" I say with hope that was it.

He nods. Looking at him the first thing that comes to my mind is the thought us having sex.

"OMG did we umm you know?" I say nervous.

"What no no no we didn't." He says getting flustered and a little red on his cheeks just by the thought of us having sex.

"Uff okay. Thank god." I say with a relief. Not going to lie I also blushed a little just by the thought of having sex with my boss. My attractive boss. No stop thinking that.

"But we kissed." He says looking shyly at me and I just stare with wide eyes at him.

"We what? How can't I remember this? I mean I would have remembered it right? I wasn't that drunk was I?" I ask him standing up thinking on why I don't remember it. He looks at me.

"I don't know what came over me I'm sorry we could forget this ever happen." He says.

"What no Hotch I mean if that's what you want then we'll forget about it." I say.

He nods and I leave his office. Walking to my desk I still can process the words the Hotch just said "We kissed". Those words keep running on my mind not believing I kissed him. I get lost on my train of thought until Morgan speaks. "You okay there mama?"

"I'm fine. Who wants lunch? I say to him giving him a smile.

Everyone agrees and we go get lunch. Coming back we continue doing our work and when I finished I gave them to Spencer to hand them to Hotch since I didn't want to face him right know. I still had to get my mind wrap on what happened.

Next day I had the day off, deciding to call the girls and see if they wanted to go for brunch and hang out. They accepted and we meet at a coffee house not far from my apartment.

"So do you have in mind what you are going to bring to the vacation?" JJ asks.

"Yess I got some new bikinis I want to try on." Emily says excited.

"I may or may not have decided on what to bring." Garcia says.

I'm in my own world not paying attention on what the girls are saying. JJ notices and calls me snapping me out of it.

"What?" I ask.

"You okay there? You zoned out for a second?" JJ asks.

"Oh yeah just thinking." I say which wasn't a lie. I was thinking about Hotch not the vacation or what I was going to wear.

"About?" Emily asks concerned

"It doesn't matter." I tell them with a small smile.

They all give me a confused look.

"Seriously it doesn't matter." I say trying to convince them.

"Well we have one week till we go off to Mexico. We should go shopping." Garcia says and everyone agrees heading to the mall.

"Oh Y/n you look so hot in that bikini." Emily says.

"I agree." JJ says.

"You should buy it." Garcia mentions.

"Alright I'll buy it." I say chuckling

"Oh and also the dress you try-on earlier too." JJ says.

Everyone buys their things and decide to have a movie night.

"I can't wait to go and see hot guys on the beach." Garcia says making you all laugh.

"Yess we should go clubbing one night." Emily suggests.

"Drink margaritas all day" JJ says laughing.

"Be in the beach all day and get tan." I say.

"Indeed my friend." Garcia says.

"Did we seriously downed all this wine?" Emily asks amused.

"Yes we did." JJ says making you all laugh.

You girls talk for a little bit and finish the movie. We fell asleep. Next morning I wake up and see everyone still asleep. I wake them and once we are all dressed we head to the office.

Safe Haven ~ ✨Aaron Hotchner✨Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat