Chapter 3

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Next day I wake up a little sore as a result of the fight the night earlier. I walk to the bathroom and see a few bruises on my body so I grab my makeup and cover them up so nobody notices. I get dressed and grab my things and head to the office. When I arrive at the office I noticed that I'm the first to arrive besides Hotch who always comes earlier than expected. Hotch calls me to his office and I follow him.

"Good morning Y/l/n I just wanted to know if you were okay with what happened yesterday." He says with a sympathetic look.

"Oh yeah thanks for checking up on me" I say smiling at him. I see that he relaxes a bit with what I told him and appreciate that he cares.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to ask or tell me." He says with a small smile that only I notice he reciprocates with me. I nod and head to my desk. Minutes later JJ comes from Garcia's "bat cave" like she likes to call it and says "Hey guys, we got a case." You guys head to the conference room and Garcia presents the case.

"Wheels up in 30" Hotch says. When we arrive at the jet we discuss the case more and he assigns the tasks. Night arrives and we all decide to go to the hotel. Rossi says that we have to share rooms.
Morgan goes with Reid, JJ with Emily and Rossi takes the singles room leaving Hotch and I to share a room. Hotch grabs the keys and I follow him to the room. When we enter I noticed that there is only one bed. I curse through my teeth. In honesty, I was nervous to share a room with my boss, let alone share a bed with him. But I set aside my thoughts and head to the bathroom. When I got out Hotch notices that I was how do I say it, weird out to share a room with him.

"Something wrong?" He asks taking his tie off.

"Umm there's only one bed." You say stating the obvious.

"Oh umm I can sleep on the couch it's no problem." He says with his serious look.

"Umm you know what, it's no problem we're grown adults we can sleep in the same bed right?" I tell him with a nervous chuckle making your way to your bag.

"Yeah your right. Goodnight Y/l/n." He tells me.

"Goodnight." I tell him. Then go and turn the light of my side off and fall asleep.

In the middle of the night I had a nightmare about my abusive ex-husband who I haven't told anyone about and I was screaming and getting sweaty. Hotch wakes up and wonders why he is awake this early in the morning until he hears me screaming and tries to wake me up.

"Y/n - Y/n wake up its a nightmare. You're safe. Wake up Y/n." He says trying to not shake me up more than I was.

I jolt awake crying and looking at Hotch with fear in my eyes. He then goes ahead and hugs me tightly for me to feel safe. I couldn't care less if he was a hugger or not but I hugged him back.

"Hey hey you're okay look at me. You're safe." He says hugging me and I couldn't do anything but cry harder. He takes this and hugs me a bit longer.

"I- I'm sorry." I say to him while hugging. My voice breaks while saying that and I backed a little to look at him and all he sees is sad eyes and his heart breaks and he doesn't know why.

"You don't have to be sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" He asks and I shake my head no and he leaves it alone which I was glad he did since it was a topic I didn't want to relive. You head back to sleep and soon wake up by a phone ringing.

"Hotchner. Yeah will be there soon. Y/n come on wake up, we have some new evidence to look at." He says trying to wake me up. He sighs when he sees I'm still sleeping and comes to my side and wakes me up slowly.

"Y/n wake up. We have to head to the police station." He says gently. I open my eyes and see his handsome face. Those beautiful brown eyes of his. Wait no what I am thinking his my boss I can't think about him like that.

"Alright I'm up" I tell him and get up and dress for the day. When we were on our way out he asks me: "How you sleep after you know?" I look at him and sigh. "Umm fine I guess. But I don't want to talk about it right now. Im sure soon enough I will be able to talk about it but right know it's not it." I say to him and he nods in understanding and you both head to the lobby to meet with the team.

We arrive at the police station and see everyone running around everywhere and we don't know where to begin. Hotch and I head to the chief and he tells us what they found and where the new evidence was. The team goes to the conference room and decide to call Garcia.

"Hey Garcia can you look up if the unsub has rented or bought any establishments around the locations of the murders? Hotch says analyzing the board.

"Looking it up now. Alright here it is all the locations... sending you the addresses now." Garcia says.

"Thanks Garcia" Hotch says.

"You are welcome sir." Garcia says and hangs up.

We arrive at the locations Garcia gave us. After the second location we catch the unsub and head to the police station to packed everything and head to the jet. At the jet everyone gets comfortable for the flight. Morgan with his headphones, Reid playing chess, JJ doing some reports, Emily getting some coffee, Rossi and Hotch sitting right in front of each other on the back of the plane and I was sitting by the window looking at the city and listening to some music.

"Alright guys dinner at my house Saturday night. We all need a break from this case." Rossi says after awhile and everyone agrees and soon fall asleep except Hotch and Rossi. Rossi has noticed how Hotch looks at you sometimes with a look of admiration. Rossi being Rossi had to figured out what was happening with his friend.

"Hey Hotch I wanted to asked you something." He asks. Which Hotch nods for him to continue.

"I've seen how you look at Y/n. And some people my say that you maybe like Y/n?" He says looking at his friend that had a confused face and furrowed eyebrows.

"Look it's not a bad thing. To move on, to feel again, to love again." He says and notices his friend's kinda tense by the topic.

"I don't know. It's not that simple Dave." Hotch says sighing and looking at his friend.

"Oh but it is. I admit it might me a little too simple. I would know." Rossi says giving him a small smile.

"The phrase "Third times the charm" doesn't really fit with you." Hotch says lifting an eyebrow to his friend.

"Think about what I said Aaron. We don't choose to fall in love. Love chooses us. Give it a chance. You deserve it." Rossi says and Hotch nods in agreement and later the pilot announced that you have arrived.

Safe Haven ~ ✨Aaron Hotchner✨Where stories live. Discover now