Chapter 12

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Next morning I wake up with Aaron's arms around me. He's already awake, I could tell. I turn around, facing him. He looks down at me and smiles.

"Good morning" He says in his morning voice.

"Good morning" I say smiling at him.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"Good, but I don't want to get up yet." I say snuggling in his arms.

"Well we don't have to. It's still early." He says kissing my head.

"In that case let's cuddle and sleep again" I say closing my eyes,

He laughs, "How can I say no to that?"

We both cuddle and fall asleep. Soon our phones chime and I see a text message from Rossi saying to meet him and the team for breakfast. I get up and head to the bathroom to change. Coming out of the bathroom I see Aaron still in bed, asleep. I decided to through his a pillow.

"Aaron come on wake up." I say hitting him once again with the pillow.

"Why? Come lay down with me." He says muffle with his head on the pillow. He reaches for my arm and pulls me towards him.

"No come on. Rossi texted to meet them for breakfast and they're waiting on us."

"Ughh fine." He says getting up and heading to the bathroom to change. Once we're ready we go and head to meet the team downstairs.

"Morning you guys." Spencer says as he sees us arriving.

"Morning." Aaron and I say at the same time.

"Y/n let's go to the spa with JJ and Penelope later today." Emily mentions.

"Sounds good"

"Don't forget we have dinner at 7" Rossi once again announces.

"How can we forget if you remind us every hour." Morgan says making all of us laugh.

We order our food and drinks. Enjoying the time together, we soon finish and head to enjoy our day. Soon enough its 5:45 and Aaron and I are at the room getting change for dinner at 7. Hotch was taking too long on the shower and I tried couple of times to hurry him up.

"Hotch you finished?" I ask once again.

"Almost" he says through the door.

"Come on. I have to shower too." I whine.

"Well you could always join me." He says and I knew he was smirking.

"Umm no we're not there yet." I say laughing.

"Worth a shot."He says laughing.

He finally finishes and gets change. He puts black pants and a black shirt. I head to the shower and change once I've finished. I decided to put on a red dress and some black heels. I look through the mirror and see Aaron looking at me and I shake my head and continue what I was doing. It's 6:30 and we decided to head downstairs, but before we left Aaron stop me.

"Hey this outfit it's worth a picture, come on." He says taking his phone out.

"Really Aaron?" I say putting my hands on my hips.

He laughs at my reaction, "Yes. We need to create memories. Well why not start with a picture of us?"

We take a couple of pictures and once finished we head downstairs to meet the rest of the team.

We take a couple of pictures and once finished we head downstairs to meet the rest of the team

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*Pretend the girl(you) has a red dress and the guy(Aaron) is all in black.*

We all arrive at the lobby where we were meeting everyone.

"Finally we are all here. Let's go." Rossi says and we follow him.

Emily comes beside me, "Y/n you look hot."

Garcia comes to m other side, "Yes girl, you look gorgeous."

Spencer who was in front of us turns around and says, "You look very pretty Y/n."

"Thanks everyone." I say smiling at them.

We later arrive at the restaurant. They bring us to our table and we all sit. Aaron sat beside me and Emily on the other side.

"What's everyone going to order?" Rossi asks once we were given the menus.

"I'll have some wine." Emily says and JJ, Garcia and I agree.

The boys order there drinks and later our food. The food arrives and we talk for awhile, enjoying our night. Looking at the time, we decided to head to the hotel and call it a night.

Next day, Aaron and I were at the room watching some tv when the girls texted me to meet them at the beach. I got up and began to change into my swimsuit. Aaron's eyes following me.

"So what are today's plans?" He asks. sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Well mister I'm going to the beach with the girls" I said from the bathroom.

"What about me?" He says pouting.

"Huh? I don't know. See what the guys are up to." I say laughing and coming out of the bathroom.

He looks at me, "You're mean, you know that" He says standing up.

"What can I say? I like being mean." I say smirking.

He groans and I laugh. He comes closer to me, hugging my waist and kissing my forehead. I put my hands around his head and kiss his cheek.

"I'm going to go. See you later. Bye." I say.

"Bye." He says and kisses my lips.

Spending the whole day with the girls was super fun. We talked about everything. Once I was on my way back to the room I receive a call. I look for my phone in my bag and open the door to the room and put my bag to the side.

"Hello" I say taking my sunglasses off.

"Finally love. I've been trying to call you for a while." The person on the other side of the phone says. I already knew who it was.

"Why are you calling? I thought I said to not call me back."

"And I thought I said I want to get you back. I promise not to hurt you again please, I love you."

"No I'm not getting back to you. I'm not stupid. I know you haven't changed a bit and I won't go through it again." I said getting angry.

I hear the door opening and see Hotch coming in. He looks at me and knows something is wrong. He motions me to tell him who it was on the phone but I ignored him.

"Come on Y/n. I have changed I promise."

"I said No. And stop calling!"

"Don't forget I know where you work. It wouldn't take me long to know where you live too." The voice said and I was so angry that I hung up.

Aaron comes beside me and asks, "Everything alright?"

"No! He keeps calling me and I don't know what to do. He wants me back and I'm not going to but before I hung up he said to not forget that he knows where I work and that it wouldn't take him long to know where I live too." I say getting tears in my eyes.

"Hey hey it's alright. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He says hugging me. I cry on his shoulder and he hugs me  tighter. After a while I let go of him.

He looks at me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Can we watch a movie or something?" I ask with out meeting his eyes.

"Yeah of course. Which one would you like to watch?" He asks.

"I don't care. You pick." I said getting in bed.

He picks the movie out and gets beside me in bed. We watch the movie together and soon I feel asleep. He looks at me and sees I feel asleep, he kisses the top of my head and soon falls asleep too.

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