Chapter 16

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The rest of the team were at the shooting range practicing. They were helping Reid on how to shoot a gun and giving him some techniques.

"Guys I don't know how to do this," Reid said holding the gun.

"It's easy. You just got to point to the target and shoot." Morgan explained.

Reid shook his head, "Yeah, easier said than done Morgan."

Emily hit Morgan playfully in the chest, "It is Spencer but it takes practice. Just try it."

He points the gun to the target, "Oh well, here goes nothing." but before he could shoot JJ came in, "Guys we have a case, this can wait."

They all make their way to the conference room and once they are there they take a seat. Hotch and I were already there with Rossi and Garcia. Garcia was standing, remote in hand ready to present the case.

"Get ready old and new crime fighters, you are going to Kansas City." She says clicking the remote and images appear on the screen. "Two women have been found dead in different places of the town over the last two weeks. Every victim was reported missing on a Friday, killed on Sunday night, and was found Monday morning."

"The first victim was 18, the second hasn't been ID'ed yet but she seems to be about 20," Emily says looking at the file in her hand.

"He sure has an age preference. Could these girls be surrogates?" I said looking at the pictures.

"There is a good chance. Wheels up in 30." Hotch said standing up and making his way out.

The rest of us head out to grab our go-bags and make our way to the jet. 

We arrive in Kansas City, Hotch and I head to the medical examiner's office while the others headed to the local PD or the latest crime scene. We arrive at the ME's office.

"Ahh you must be the BAU, they told me you were coming. I'm Dr. Mallard." 

We took our badges out and show the ME, "Yes, I'm SSA Hotchner and this is Agent Y/L/N." 

"Nice to meet you. Now let's get to why you're here." Dr. Mallard said and Hotch and I look at each other, smiling at his vibrant vibes. "The COD in both victims was strangulation. Whoever this is, he strangled them with his bare hands. They also had ligature marks around their wrists and ankles. But on the first victim were lighter than the second who definitely seemed like she struggled."

"Any signs of sexual assault?" I asked.

"Not exactly. The first victim showed signs that had consensual sex until a few hours before her death. On the other hand, the second victim was definitely raped. She tried to fight him back. I also found DNA under her fingernails and we are examining it now." Dr. Mallard said.

Hotch tilts his head, "You mentioned that the ligature marks on the first victim were "light". Could this be the result of a bids scenario maybe?"

"It could." 

"Thank you," I said and we head out of the ME's office. We head back to the police station and meet with the others to tell what information we gathered.

"Guys I think that whoever had sex with those girls is the unsub," I said looking at the files.

"I don't understand," Reid questioned.

"Explain," Rossi said resting his hand on his face.

"He is choking them. Like literally choking them. If you zoom in on his hand and her neck, you can see that he is pressing down. Even if this was role-playing and he is the "player" he shows to be, he'd know better than that." I said and everyone gave me a weird look. I sighed, "When you choke during role-play, you don't press down with your palm because that way you cut the oxygen and can even cause rapture-"

Safe Haven ~ ✨Aaron Hotchner✨حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن