Chapter 14

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The following day I wake up and don't feel Hotch beside me. His spot is cold so that means he has been awake for a while. I wonder where he is. I don't see a note or a text from him. I get up and called for him to see if he is somewhere.


No answer

"Hotch?" I say and hear the door open. I come out of the bathroom to look who entered the room. I see Hotch in his quarter zip jacket and some jeans. God it's too early for this. He is so hot. I say then snapping out of it.

"Hey where were you?"

He looks at me and smiles, "Hey I was talking to Rossi about some plans I have."

I look at him suspiciously, "Oh and what are those plans?"

He comes closer to me and hugs my waist, "It's a surprise." He says and gives me a kiss on the lips. 

Pulling back I look him in the eyes, "You know I hate surprises." 

"You'll love this one." He says smiling at me, which I look at him and roll my eyes.

We get changed and go to breakfast. We enjoy our breakfast and when noon came Hotch told me to change and bring my swimsuit so we could head to the surprise.

Getting my things together I ask him, "Where are we going?"

He looks at me and tilts his head, "Uh uh I'm not telling you."

I groan and somehow it makes him laughs, "Why??" I come closer to him and grab his face in my hands, "And why are you laughing?"

He tries to hold his laugh, but fails, "I promise you'll love it."

We leave to wherever he is taking me. Once in the car I glance at him and he has a huge grin on his face, I roll my eyes because he is all smily but won't tell me where we are going. We arrive at the destination and I see the beach and a picnic farther from were we are and a a lot of food. I look at Hotch and smile widely, "Aaron no you didn't"

He pulls me by the waist so we were inches from each other, "Yeah I did."

I wrapped my hands around his neck and smiled, "This is lovely. You did this all by yourself?"

"Well with the help of Rossi but yeah."

"I love it." I say and kiss him.

"I knew you would love it." He mumbled against my lips.He pulls back and leads us to the picnic. We eat and talk for awhile. The weather was perfect so I decided to go in the water, I began to take my cover up clothes and look at Hotch who was smirking at me.

"Let's go to the water. come on." I say extending my arm so he could get up.

"Alright let's go." He says and I pull him up. We head to the water and I'm immediately lifted up, "Aaron!!! Put me down!!" I tell him wiggling my way out.

He laughs, "Not happening."

"Please I beg you. Put me down." 

He stops for a moment, "Oh you want me to put you down?"

I knew what he was about to do and I screamed, "Aaron don't. I know what you are going to do."

"Where's the fun in that?" He said smirking. I had wide eyes and was preparing for impact. He dropped me on the water but I somehow pulled him with me so I wasn't the only one going down. I come back up and don't see Aaron. I begin to worry.

"Aaron?" I say turning around to see if I could find him but nothing happen. Suddenly I feel something grab my waist and scare me. I then see Aaron and smack him on the chest.

"Aaron Jesus don't do that! You scare the shit out of me!" I say, he laughs and hugs me. I pulled back and glare at him, "You're an asshole."

"It was fun. You should had the face you made." He says laughing more. I roll my eyes and push him, making him fall into the water. He comes back up and I start laughing at him. We spent time relaxing and joking around.

"This is nice." I said relaxing.

"Yeah it is." He says looking around.

"You think the others are asking for us?" I said looking at him.

He looks at me, "Rossi's handling it. Don't worry." He says coming closer and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Are you sure?" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.


"Do we have to go back to work?" I say and sighed.

"I'm afraid so. We should make another trip like this." He says caressing my cheek.

"Yeah, it's been fun. Can't believe we have to leave in 2 days." I say and pout. He laughs and gives me a kiss. An idea came to mind and I pulled out of the kiss and smiled widely at him. He looked at me questionably. I decided to splash him and once I did I began to laugh.

"Hey why did you do that?"

I shrugged and try to hide a smile, "I don't know. Because it's fun?

"No it's not." He says splashing me.

"Hey no stop." I say laughing.

After awhile we decide to pick up our stuff and head back to the hotel. We see the guys in the lobby and they immediately stopped us.

"Hey where were you?" JJ asks.

"Oh I was walking through the city." I say and hope they take the lie.

"We could've gone together." Garcia says.

"I'm sorry Pen. Next time."

"No worries."

"Guys tomorrow is our last day. What do you want to do?" Rossi asks.

"How about we go to the beach and then shop for souvenirs?" Spencer suggests and everyone agrees.


Next day we are at the beach relaxing and enjoying our last day.

"Let's play some volleyball." Morgan says 

"This should be fun." Emily says standing up.

"How about Girls vs. Boys?" I suggest

"Oh you're going down." Morgan says and laughs.

"It's on." JJ says and we head to the volleyball court.

We play and the girls win.

"Morgan what happened?" I say and look at him.

"Shut up." He says and we all laugh.

"Girl power baby." JJ says and all the girls cheer.

Hotch and I look at each other and all of the sudden he smirks. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"You know what, I want revenge but one on one." He says and I smirk at him.

"Huh? Bring it on Hotch." I say and the rest move to the side to watch. We play one vs. one. We are tied and going to the final set. It's a close on but I win.

I yell excited, "Ahh yesss I won!!" I say and so a happy dance. The girls cheer and the guys laugh.

"Well played Y/n." Hotch says and smiles.

"You too." I smile as well.

"Alright why don't we head out to do some shopping and eat something?" Rossi says and we all agree. We do some shopping and eat at a nice restaurant and take some pictures and head back to the hotel to pack.

In the room Hotch and I were packing.

"I don't want to go." I say pouting.

"I know but we can come back if you want." He says.

I smile widely, "Really?"

 He chuckles, "Yeah."

"Alright. I've finished packing. I'm going to sleep." I say putting my luggage on the corner.



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