Chapter 15

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We all arrive at the jet and are waiting for takeoff. I was at the window seat, Hotch sat across me. Morgan was with his headphones listening to music, Reid was reading a book, JJ and Emily were at the couch and Garcia was getting coffee at the back of the plane.

"I don't want to leave." Emily said

"Me neither." Reid said looking up from his book.

"Maybe we can take another vacation soon" Morgan said.

"Yes! I would love that!" Garcia said coming back with her coffee.

Hotch looked at me, "Ready to go back to work?"

I glance at him, "Not really. This week was so relaxing and now we go back to reality."

He nods in agreement, "Yeah but like Morgan said. We can take another vacation."

Rossi came and sat beside me with a smile on his face. He looks at Hotch, " I agree. It was a relaxing week but serial killers never take a break."

I laugh at that statement, "No they don't."

Rossi looks between the both of us and smirks, "You two seem close. Anything going on between you two?"

I look at Hotch who looks at Rossi. Rossi gently laughs and says, "Don't give me that look. You know I figure out everything. I'm happy for you guys truly."

I smile at him, "Thanks Rossi"

"Well I'll leave you two I'm going to fix me a drink." Rossi says standing up.

"See you." Hotch said and then turned to look at me. "Told you he figures out everything."

I laugh shaking my head, "I know I know."

He then looks at me seriously, "We have to make rules or something when we are at the office."

I nod my head, "I agree. What rules should we make?"

"Well for starters we act professional like always nothings change. I'm your boss and you're my subordinate."

"Right. Another one, no favoritism. The team might catch up with what's going on."

"I agree. Anything else?"

"Umm I don't think so."

"Alright. Let's watch a movie." He says looking around and seeing everyone asleep. I move next to him, we pick a move and soon fall asleep for the remaining time of the flight.

Rossi notices us both and takes pictures of us.


I start to wake up by someone touching my shoulder. It was Rossi. He smile down at me and told me we had arrive. I start to sit up and notice the rest are out already, it's just Hotch, Rossi and me. I say a quick 'thanks' and stand up. Hotch wakes up when I was gathering my stuff and looks around. I laugh at his confused face. He looks at me and smiles. He gathers his stuff and we head out of the jet. Morgan sees Hotch out of the plane and asks, "Hotch, do we work tomorrow?"

Hotch sighs and nods, "Sadly yes, go home everyone and get some rest. See you all tomorrow." With that everyone got in their car and heads home. I look at him and pouted, "Do I have to go home alone?"

He laughs and puts an arm around my shoulder, "You can come to my place or we can go to yours. Whichever."

I look at him and smile, "Your place."

Safe Haven ~ ✨Aaron Hotchner✨Where stories live. Discover now