Chapter 5

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⚠️TW: Talk about abuse

When we came back from grabbing everyone's lunch you guys eat and talk about how we need a break from all the cases and decide to have a girls night and a night out with everyone. Everyone agrees and finishes their lunch. The day went fast, everyone finished their paperwork and headed home. When I was about to head to the elevator JJ stopped me. "Hey Y/n you know you can talk to me right? She says. I nod. "Do you want to talk about what happened earlier? she asks. At this point I hesitate about opening up and telling her more about my past so I decide to trust once again and tell her. "Umm JJ you can't tell anyone about this please I beg you." I say and she nods in understanding. "The call that I had earlier was my ex-husband which he- umm he abuse me when we're together and umm I- I left and now he found me and knows where I work and I just can't JJ I can't go through this again." I tell her with tears streaming from my eyes. " Oh sweetie come here" she says hugging me and with tears in her eyes. " You know we won't let that happen but you got to tell Hotch because sooner or later he is going to find out and is better that you tell him instead of him finding out from someone else or HIM." She says. " I know and believe me I want to but I just can't relieve that again. You're the first person a tell this. I don't tend to trust to many people." I say to her with a little relief about telling someone. "Oh I'm glad you trust me, but you know you can trust the team alright? Nobody it's going to judge you or anything. Everyone of us has had traumas too okay?" She says and I nod. I am grateful to be having her in my life and to be able to talk about it with her. "Thanks JJ I needed that." I say offering her a smile. "Anytime sweetheart." She says. You both say your goodnight's and head straight home.

Next day I wake up and feel like a weight has been lift up from my shoulders but I knew that soon enough I had to tell Hotch about it. I arrive at the office and since we didn't have a case it's paperwork day. I see everyone talking about random things and doing their work.

"Hey guys when should we do our night out?" Morgan asks.

"Well if we don't have a case I say this weekend?" I say sitting on my desk.

"Alright let's hope we don't have a case in our hands." Morgan says.

You guys continue with your work when lunchtime comes. Everyone goes to get lunch but I decide to skip lunch and finish my work. Hotch comes out of his office and sees me alone and wonders if I already eat lunch.

"Hey Y/l/n have you had lunch yet?" He asks.

"Hey Hotch no not yet, I decided to stay and finished work." I tell him not looking up from the file in my hands.

"Come on you got to eat something." He says with a worried face.

"No it's okay I'll finish here and then all grab something to eat." I say finally looking up at him.

"Y/l/n I insist let's have something to eat." He says in a convincing tone.

"Okay if you insist." I say and smile at him.

"Alright then." He says with a small smile appearing on his lips.

I grab my things and head to the elevator. When we arrive at the garage we both decide to go in his car. The ride was silent but not a awkward silence, a comfortable silence. We arrive at this little diner we both heard about and order our food. In the meantime we are talking about anything.

"So you're telling you wore a dress for Halloween one year?" I say to him laughing my ass off not believing he just confessed on wearing a dress.

"Yeah I really did though it was Jacks idea." He says laughing like a real laugh which I haven't heard before but I like it.

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