Chapter 7

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Arriving at his house my nerves were at their max point. We reach the front door and when Hotch opens it I see a pretty blonde woman and a little boy, which I assume the little boy is Jack but the blonde woman I don't recognize. We enter and smile at both of them and I put my things in the couch.

"Thanks a lot Jessica." Hotch says.

"It's no problem. Jack I see you soon." she says saying goodbye to Jack and smiling at me on her way out.

"That was Jessica his aunt. She usually takes care of him when we have a case." Hotch says.

I nod and look around. His house is nice, has pictures of him with Jack and a blonde woman who I assume is Jack's mother, some of the team and its pretty neat to say the least, having a little boy running around. I see that Hotch has disappear so I assume it's to look for his Jack.

"Hey Jack I want to present to you a friend of mine." Hotch says coming back with the little boy. Jack comes running to me.

"Hello I'm Jack" He says with his cute voice.

I crouch to his level and introduce myself. " Hello I'm Y/n." I say smiling at the little boy.

"Are you staying for movie night with us?" Jack says excited.

"Well I guess I am." I say looking at Hotch.

"Cool" He says running off to play.

I stand up and see Hotch smiling at what just happened. I raise and eyebrow at him and he ignores me by saying: "Let's eat dinner and then we can watch the movie." I nod and follow him to the kitchen. We sit at the table and eat dinner. Jack finishes and it's excited to watch the movie.

"Dad can we watch the movie now? Please!" he says.

"Okay buddy go pick the movie." Hotch says.

I admire the way Hotch is with Jack and it makes my heart melt.

"You take so good care of him." I say helping pick up the dishes and walking to the kitchen with Hotch.

"I try my best." He says washing the dishes. For a minute we both just stare at each other like time stopped until Jack calls us to come and watch the movie. We both laugh and walk to the living room to watch the movie. We sit on the couch while Jack sits between me and Hotch. Jack picked out Spiderman, his favorite, so we get comfortable and half way through the movie I feel a heavy weight on my side. When I move to check, I see Jack had fallen asleep on my shoulder, snoring softly and lovingly, which I find it kinda sweet. Hotch notices and sees how cute his son and I look and stares for a while.

"Let me move him to his bedroom." He says motioning for him to pick him up.

"No, it's no problem let him sleep a little till the movie finishes." I say smiling at him and we both stare at each other. I move my eyesight to Jack who began lightly snoring and look up at Hotch who starts laughing and we continue to watch the movie. When the movie finishes I fell asleep and Hotch notices Jack and me cuddling and smiles at the view. He decides to let me sleep and moves Jack to his bedroom.


Next morning I wake up and look at my surroundings. Noticing that I am not at my apartment and hear the sounds of laughter. I stand up and move to the kitchen where the sound is coming from. When I enter the kitchen my heart melts at the view. I see Jack and Hotch making breakfast, pancakes especially. I smile at them and Hotch notices me and smiles at me.

"Hey Y/n good morning." Jack says smiling brightly at me with chocolate around his mouth.

"Good morning Jack." I say smiling at the little boy.

"How'd you sleep?" Hotch asks me trying to flip a pancake.

"Slept good. Sorry for sleeping over." I say making my way to sit at the table.

"Hey don't worry about it. You looked peacefully sleeping, that's why I didn't wake you up." He says coming with the stack of pancakes and Jack on his tail.

"Really?" I say surprise that he said that and sorta blushing too.

"Yeah" He says laughing a little.

We eat and soon Jack gets ready for school.

"Well I better get going. I got to change." I say to him smiling and grabbing my stuff to head out.

"See you later." He says

"See you" I say heading out.

I get home, change real quick, grab some black slacks, a light green blouse and some nude heels. I grab a granola bar and drink some orange juice and grab my stuff and head to my car. On the way to the office I jam out to "your favorite music" and arrive quick at the office. The receptionist greets me while a make my way to the elevators and head to the BAU floor. When I arrive I see Morgan and Emily at the break room and wave hi at them and head to my desk. When they come back I say: "I need a night out."

"We should go to the club, who's in?" Morgan suggests.

"Ahhh yess let's go partyyyy" Garcia says excited.

JJ, Spencer and Emily agree. Hotch comes to us and says we have a case. We all head to the conference room and Hotch discusses the case.

"Wheels up in 30" He says and we all head to grab our go bags and head to the jet.

In the jet I'm sitting on my usual seat by the window when I see Hotch alone and decide to sit with him.

"Hey" I say smiling softly.

"Hey" He says with a small smile on his face.

"Why are you always doing paperwork?" I say laughing at him.

"Cause I have to" He chuckles.

"Nah that can wait, let's watch a movie or something. We still have what like 4 hours till we get there? Come on." I say nervously.

He thinks about it and nods. I move next to Hotch to watch the movie. Half way thru the movie I fell asleep on his shoulder. Rossi notices and gives a look to Hotch. Hotch smiles and fells asleep too. We arrive.

"Come on kiddos, we're here." Rossi says waking us up.

I wake up and notice Hotch beside me waking up too. I slightly blush because I took a nap with my boss and fell asleep on him. We head out and arrive at the police station. We discuss more the case.

"Each one of this data points represents a bank that the he hit and this areas where the lines intersect gives the best estimate for the unsub's home." Spencer says writing on the board.

"So how many people does it narrow to? JJ asks confused.

"A couple hundred thousand." Spencer says looking at some papers.

"Alright everyone you know what to do." Hotch says standing up and heading out the room.

Safe Haven ~ ✨Aaron Hotchner✨Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon