Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

(September 24, 2011)

11:10 PM

Lucca's Point of View

My head still hurts from what Nathan told me. I am furious and want to scream at my uncle. How could he just tell people I abandoned Matthew over something so fucking stupid as drugs? Who else has he been telling this to? My heart freezes suddenly at the thought of CPS ever getting involved over this. What else has that psycho done that I don't even know about? I groan in frustration and try to stop thinking about the worst case scenario. My head hurts even more with all the rapid fire thoughts that were crashing and burning in my brain.

I untie my waist apron and toss it into my locker, closing it and then leaving the break room. The restaurant is still busy as I walk out; a few of my co-workers notice me leaving and wave bye as they continue to run around working. I'm thankful the manager is nice enough to let me leave at 11PM at the latest rather than close. It gave me just a little more time to see Matthew, even if he was asleep.

I take a deep breath as I step outside the restaurant, keeping an eye out for Nathan. After walking around for a few minutes, I spot his car with him and Tony inside. As soon as I did, he spots me too. I walk towards his car and get in the back.

"So glad you're ok, dude," Tony immediately says with a big smile.

"I'm happy to see you guys again too. Thanks for waiting for me..." I say a little sheepishly, "I know it was a long wait-"

Nathan turns to look at me from his seat, "Don't stress about it. We explored the beach a little so time went by quickly."

Tony grins, "I collected a few seashells and sea glass, so it was totally worth it."

I chuckle, it's so cute seeing Tony get excited over shells. All the hurt from the past few months just suddenly washed away, it felt like we were back to highschool and it was a normal night. Tony being a goofball and Nathan making my heart race. All that was left was us going back to the dorms and popping a movie in. If I had a chance to redo it, knowing what I do now, maybe I would've tried harder to let Nathan know how I felt... Regardless if Sophie was around. Maybe if I hadn't been so afraid, we would be happy somehow.

"Hopefully, if we have more time in the future, you can show me your collection," I smile.

"What happened over the summer?" Nathan asks, concern was all over his face.

I take a slow deep breath and try to remember, "Well, after you left I was in my room with Matthew for six weeks; recovering from surgery until the doctor cleared me. Afterwards, my uncle put me to work at this restaurant. If I'm not at my uncle's home, I'm here... I don't go anywhere else. I already have such limited time with Matthew awake...," I tear up for a second and quickly rub my eyes before any tears make a grand appearance, "I was planning to move out. I've been saving some money up, but it's not enough. I was actually going to take a leap of faith and see if I could reach out to my dad's old girlfriend. I didn't know who else to turn to since I thought you guys forgot about me..."

"I would never forget about you. It was just shitty timing," Nathan says, "Uhm- earlier when we talked in the bathroom, you said your uncle was a psycho?"

I flush red from cringing about what I said when I was upset and angry, "Well, uhm-"

"That asshole is psycho," Tony grumbles.

"Yeah, obviously we know that now," Nathan says, looking extremely annoyed.

"I didn't always live with my uncle. I used to live with my dad until I was six when he passed away. I'm related to my uncle through my mom's side, but I didn't meet their family because they blame me for my mom dying when I was born...," I awkwardly say. This was the first time I ever told anyone this personal about me... Not even Jason knew about this, and I was stupid enough to think he was my best friend or that he truly loved me...

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