Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

(July 14, 2011)

12:00 PM

Nathan's Point of View

The sun was really strong this morning. It was definitely that wonderful dry heat in which so many people every year fall victim to it. Thankfully this is a nice soccer camp and they have people driving on a golf cart, readily giving out water and reminding people to drink water as well. Which is good because otherwise they would for sure feel the wrath of a lawsuit I guess.

I'm having fun at this camp in general. I feel guilty for having fun sometimes, especially when the days are over and I have time to think about Lucca. What I mean is I've written letters to Lucca since I've been here. I've actually sent about six so far since I've left, but he hasn't replied to any. I've been praying the letters are actually making it over to him and that he isn't so upset with me that he wants nothing to do with me... Although I've talked to some of the other people and they've told me that the Mexican mail service was pretty erratic and unreliable; one person even said they sent a letter to a friend last year during the beginning of camp, and their friend received it after they came back home.

The letters I've written to Lucca are pretty much updates on how camp is going and I even included a few pictures. The first one though was an apology and explanation of what happened, but like I said, I really hope he even gets that letter. I also want him to write back to me so that he can tell me how his baby is doing. I think Matthew should be about two months old now...

I hope I get a chance to visit Lucca before summer vacation is over. I mean- this camp and my mom's acting gig is almost over, just another two weeks I think and I can see him again. Otherwise, it is going to be an awkward beginning of the school year for us... If he even still wants to go out or even be my friend...

Speaking of friends, I still haven't been able to tell Tony about me confessing to Lucca. I wanted to tell him in person once I was pretty sure there was... well, something there between Lucca and I. Maybe I'm overthinking this gay thing way too much... I'm sure that if I do actually have feelings for Lucca this whole confusion phase will just be a stupid memory I will beat myself up for because of how much time was wasted over this. I bet Tony will tell me 'I told you' once I build up the courage to tell him. Ugh it's just so frustrating that all my summer plans were thrown out the window like this.

I just have to hope these two weeks pass by fast.


(July 15, 2011)

01:40 AM

Lucca's Point of View

My head hits my pillow and I just moan from the pleasure of finally getting some rest. My legs are jelly, my back is sore, my eyelids feel so heavy that they're fifty pound weights. My ears are ringing from the loud atmosphere earlier compared to the heavenly quiet of my room. Matthew is fast asleep dreaming of whatever two month old babies dream of...

At first I thought getting put to work would be a really good thing, and while yes it's sort of good, it makes me miss out on spending time with Matthew in the day...

The day before I got my six week recovery check up, my Uncle and I sat down in his home office. It was the most he ever really talked to me in one day.


A week ago

"You've decided to make an adult decision when you decided to have a son. So, it's only fair you pay the adult consequences and be responsible for your son. I've arranged with a good friend of mine to let you work for him in his restaurant as a waiter. You'll be working Thursday through Monday from 11AM to close which can depend on the weekend shift, but from what I understand as early as 11PM."

"That's twelve hour shifts," I gasped, but internally smacked myself for speaking out of turn which of course earned me an intense icy glare that burned into me.

"If only my sister could have had an opportunity like this rather than you...," He started, but sighed at the end as if keeping his cool, "Raising a child isn't easy or cheap," Uncle Richard continued, "there are expenses that come with being a parent and I expect you to agree to these terms or you get kicked out."

I froze hearing those words. I couldn't believe he said that... I had hoped I would've been the one to have this figured out before ever hearing him tell me I could get kicked out.

"I'm sorry, you're right," I said quietly, keeping my eyes low.

He pulled out a document and put it on his desk in front of me, "This can be considered your monthly bill which I say is more than fair as I have kindly given you a bigger room. I also accommodated it to be like a studio apartment even with the short notice..." he grumbled the last bit irritably, "There's your rent as well as the baby's rent, utility costs, food, diapers, formula, and daycare costs. Your aunt is nice enough to offer to help take care of the baby while you work and sometimes even the twins could help here and there if your aunt isn't home. It all comes down to about $740 dollars."

"I understand..."

Uncle Richard smiled, "It's a shame your hard work for school went to waste... Maybe you'll succeed in the workforce. Anyway, you start work on Thursday when you are cleared at your check up. That's it from me, go to your room," He shrugs and he turns around in his chair, logging into his desktop.

He went back to ignoring me again as per usual...


I started working at the restaurant two or three days ago now. I was worried about meeting uncle's friend, Mike, but he was pretty nice to me when I first met him with bright brown friendly eyes. He has really tidy styled brown hair, he's tan, like he tanned frequently, and he was pretty tall so it was intimidating meeting him at first. Mike looked really wealthy with his nice black slacks, his light blue button down shirt, shiny polished black leather loafers, and silver watch.

Mike is the main owner of the restaurant, after introducing himself, he gave me a small tour of the restaurant and what my duties were. While he gave me the tour we bumped into his son and manager of the restaurant, Steele. He was pretty much a copy of his dad visually, except of course he was much younger... probably in his mid twenties. He shook my hand really hard with a small smirk. I couldn't help it, but I had blushed from embarrassment and I just got a weird feeling. Thankfully the rest of the tour was normal until I had to perform my job duties and I somehow made it home even though I was exhausted...

I'm just so tired. It's not a difficult job, but after so many hours and how busy it gets since it's a very popular location... My feet are hurting so badly from standing for so long. My hands hurt from holding really hot plates all day. I'm just... sore.

I really don't mean to complain so much, I'm just not used to this. I'm trying to be strong during this. Hopefully with the money I save up, I'll be able to move out.

I take a deep breath and snuggle deeper into my cloud like bed after a long shift... That is until I heard a soft whimper turn into soft crying. I sigh and get up to go check on my son.

"I'm coming Matthew," I mumble and gently pick him up. "There there baby... You're okay," I yawn as I settle him in my arms and check his diaper, yep...

"Phew you're a stinky boy!" I whisper with a faint tired smile, "Let me fix that so you and I can get some good sleep," I yawn again and head straight for the changing table.

Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully better than the last.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now