Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"I hate science..." I mutter to myself as I continue to study in the library.

It was now November... We're getting closer to finals and so I'm hitting the books since I really have nothing better to do and science (specifically anatomy) is my worst subject. Right now I have a B in that class which I get it, it's okay..., but I really try to strive for A's. Pregnant or not, I want to make sure I really did my best in school. Even if I might not get into college now...

I take a deep breath, and keep looking at my notes. Right now we are focusing on studying the skull. The different sections and different little bones. What is hard is memorizing the little nicks and lines on the bones, because they apparently also have names. It was a lot...

"Hopefully you're better at science..." I murmur, looking down and smiling faintly.

I hear giggling and I look up with my eyes, I'm trying to avoid being obvious. There's a group of friends staring at me. The girls are whispering to each other; I feel so embarrassed and silly now for talking to my stomach... I start to pack up my things. A part of me wants to secretly drop out to avoid attention, but I know it's not worth it.

"Hey are you Lucca?" A voice behind me asks as they poke me in the back.

I yelp and jump, losing my balance.

"Holy shit!" The voice says as they strain to catch me.

I look behind and see it's this guy who's in a couple of my classes. I think his name is Anthony or something... He's in my anatomy, english, and oil painting class. We've never talked or anything so... what does he want?

"Oh h-hi," I mumble and try to stand up on my own.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you...," He says sheepishly and smiles.

He was actually one of the cutest boys in school. He works as a model for Abercrombie & Fitch. All the girls fawned over him, but he usually was never seen with a girl so people assume he might have a super model girlfriend who doesn't go here, but no one knows. His height is around 5' 6" , he has nice tan skin, soft honey brown eyes, messy brown locks, and a really nice strong body. His smiles usually left all the girls weak and giggly. It was pretty annoying in class sometimes.

"Anthony right?"

"You're close. It's Antonio, but that's reserved for the ladies who want a taste of the Latin lover," He winks playfully and grins, "I prefer that friends call me Tony."

"What can I call you then?" I ask bluntly as I finish packing, "We're not friends..." I mumble and walk out of the library. I'm not in the mood to be made to look like more of a fool than I already am. I've always been wary of popular people randomly approaching you and being super friendly like they want something from you. Maybe that's me just being paranoid, but the way life has treated me so far... how can I not be?

"Wow you're kinda bitter huh?" He calls out as he catches up to me, "I'm sorry for spooking you... but it's no secret you don't have any friends. Like any friends."

"Wow what gave that away?" I snap.

He pauses for a second and then takes a deep breath, "Okay. Look, I know I'm a doofus, you see that in class all the time. You know I'm the guy who says a completely wrong answer with confidence and then the teacher jokes I should pick up an application at McDonald's next time I go. Sorry, I just thought you could use a friend since no one likes to be lonely."

I bite my lip anxiously and look down at my feet. He was right about me feeling lonely, it's obvious to everyone that I'm alone through this journey. I'm scared to trust anyone at this point since it's obvious that once you're a pregnant teen, you're not worthy of anything except criticism and beratement.

"What I'm experiencing right now has lead me to believe I can't trust anybody because sooner or later I'll be stabbed in the back or shunned. This is the absolute worst chapter of my life so... I'm sorry if I'm a little abrasive or snippy."

He looks at me with a pitying look and then wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I stiffen like a board and I'm immediately uncomfortable. Not because he's a stranger, but it's just weird...

"What? Never been hugged before?" He chuckles and shoots me a small friendly smile.

"Haha funny..." Truthfully, the last time I was hugged is when a woman was fighting for custody of me, but lost due to the state deciding in favor of my relatives. I was like five or six. But that's a story for another time.

"Do you trust me?" He asks with a grin.

"Absolutely not... but ok?"

"Ok that's like a 50% chance of trust so that's passing! It'll be really fun!" He winks and takes my hand, dragging me out of the building.

"You seriously need a tutor..." I mumble as he drags me away somewhat against my will. This whole experience has bummed me out and converted me into an open pessimist, but I don't hate the experience completely. I hold no hatred in my heart toward my baby...

After the public announcement by the American government, they have offered free health insurance coverage to the men who have been affected by pregnancy that don't already have coverage. This coverage lasts for both father and child until the child is 21. Recently, I went in for my check up and the baby is doing well for 10 weeks.

After almost ten minutes of dragging we come up to the dorm building. It was the second boys dorm building that were usually the way bigger and nicer ones for the celeb/rich kids. I become a little anxious and kind of stop in my tracks. Tony loses his balance when he realizes that I'm no longer moving. He looks back at me confused.

"Something wrong?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.

I look at him cautiously... "What's your definition of fun...?"

He tilts his head at me confused, but then it clicks for him and he laughs.

"Oh dear God no! You thought I wanted to... Oh man no! Sorry if I lead you on-"

"No you didn't!" I snap and scowl feeling so stupid for being careful.

"Aw dude I'm sorry I don't swing that way. I mean I guess you're cute for a guy and I could see why Jason probably got his way with you, but to be really blunt... I am just a simple man and I really like boobies."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Whatever Tony..."

"Awww! See we are friends!" He grins and continues to drag me into the dorm building.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora