Chapter One

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Chapter 1

I think the world just stopped...

My ears are ringing and I feel like I can't move... I don't think I even heard her right or my brain is failing to process this information.

"Lucca?" The doctor asks, looking concerned and I don't blame her. I could feel the blood from my face just drain, my tan skin quickly going white.


"I understand that this seems... impossible because it frankly was up until rather recently. However, I do have a pamphlet that offers advice and recent information that has come out regarding this outbreak." She then slowly hands me the pamphlet and my hand reaches out to take it.

So You Found Out About Your Male Pregnancy?

I frown at the title and flip in upside down. This is... it can't be real.

"Is this a joke...? Or am I on Punk'd?" It made more sense to think I was on some hidden camera show..., but this wasn't even funny. This would be a pretty lame episode to watch.

"No, I'm sorry. This is all very real. Like I said, I understand if you need time to process, but your blood test was tested for a new virus as a precaution because this mutation has recently escaped from Russia."

"I... Can I have a-an abort--?"

"I'm sorry Lucca, but no. That is not an option that is available as it could result in death. Unfortunately, you will have to continue on with this... pregnancy..."

'I mean... death can't be that bad...'

I nod silently, looking down at the floor.

She gives a soft sigh and wheels herself to her computer, writing notes. She eventually stops typing and hands me some papers of the check up with instructions on how to properly take care of myself while pregnant... She says I'm around 4 weeks maybe 5...

This still doesn't sound real. It scares me.

I get up from the chair in her office and leave. I pass nurses leading other patients, one patient being a super pregnant woman while towing her little screaming kid along. I cringe and hurry along outside the clinic, making the walking trip back to the bus station.

I have a long trip ahead since the boarding school I attend is in San Diego and I'm all the way in Los Angeles. I don't have health insurance because my 'family' refuses to add me onto their plan so I had to find a low cost clinic that offers financial help, but of course it was 3 hours away. Thankfully, this visit was free and I couldn't be more grateful.

Once I make it to the bus station, I begin the waiting process. I look at my watch and see that the bus should be here any minute. I double check the directions I printed off google. I have to wait for bus SD393. Some other people start to show up to this stop; some looking creepy, others were normal and bored, and others were carrying some light luggage. The bus then pulls up and I go to the back for a seat. Thankfully, I managed to get a window seat and rest my head on it. The bus then creaks and moves, the 3 hour journey begins. All I have to entertain myself with is my thoughts...

I live with my aunt and uncle, plus their two kids. Not by choice, but because my parents are dead. My mom died giving birth to me due to unexpected complications... Which truthfully now that I'm in this situation makes me even more scared. I don't know what to do... Like my brain has just realized how absolutely screwed I am.

My aunt is someone who is kind and decent to me. However, in a way that is not so obvious for a very serious reason. The same goes for my cousins, but they are a little more quiet and try to avoid me. They never had friends over in the summer because of me and basically when I'm home on break, it's almost like being in solitary confinement while being let out to go to the bathroom plus do some chores. The reason I'm being treated like a prisoner back home is because of my uncle, the younger brother of my mom who he claims I killed. I am responsible for killing his sister that he had admired and loved so much.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now