Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

(January 4, 2012)


Nathan's Point of View

I take a deep breath and knock on the door. It's technically our first date. It's not going to be anything super fancy, Matthew's joining us. Maybe for our second date, but plans for that will have to wait till after this one. I'm nervous.

I picked a white collar red pullover with jeans and a pair of converse. I spent last night looking up places to visit and have fun with. I hope Lucca likes the zoo. I want this to go perfectly or at least memorable.

The door opens and it's Lucca, his smiles and waves, "Hi!" He greets.

I smile back, "Hey! You look great!"

Lucca's cheeks take a light shade of pink from my compliment. Honestly, he's glowing. He looks comfortable in his oversized gray knit sweater, beige scarf, and dark jeans. He looks amazing...It's only been a few days since he left and about two weeks since the last time I visited him at work, but his tired eyes weren't sad and dim anymore. His smile didn't look like it was hiding secret pain anymore, or not at the moment anyway. His smile looks genuine and his green eyes are sparkling like green emeralds, kinda like they were when Matthew was born and Lucca held his son for the first time. This is pure happiness.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

He nods and grabs a baby car carrier from behind him, Matthew sees me and he waves with a grin. I couldn't help, but gasp in shock. Obviously I knew Matthew wasn't going to always be the tiny baby he was back in May, but damn he's already so big... He's like a carbon copy of Jason, minus the nose and the shape of his eyes, those were Lucca's for sure.

"He's so cute. Hi Matthew!" I say and I can't help it, but I gently pinch his chubby cheek and he starts laughing loudly, "Alrighty, let's get going. I have a feeling you're gonna have lots of fun. Do you have a stroller?"

"Oh uhm, no sorry," Lucca looks a little embarrassed briefly.

"Hey don't worry about it, I can rent one where we're gonna go. It's not a big deal," I give him a comforting smile and gently grab the baby car seat, then I walk towards the car with Lucca following behind me. I open the back passenger door and gently place Matthew inside, having Lucca help me fasten Matthew in place. Once that's done, I open Lucca's door for him and he smiles faintly, getting inside.


"This is beautiful," Lucca whispers to himself as we finally enter the aquarium section of the zoo.

"Wanna sit over there on the bench and watch?" I ask, pointing to the bench right in front of one of the big tanks. The aquarium is kinda dark with lit up tanks filled with all sorts of colorful fish and harmless sharks.

He nods and we head over there, I have Matthew facing the tank in his little zebra stroller. He's mesmerized by the fish, trying hard to fight sleep as the instrumental music played in the room and was slowly making him sleepier. Lucca and I sit on the bench, quietly watching in the comfortable silence among us. There were a few other visitors, today was a very slow day, everyone was either at work or school with the exception of a few tourists and elderly people.

Lucca gently rests his head on my shoulder and I can feel my heartbeat pick up. I glance at him discreetly, his eyes are moving with the fish as he watches them. I wish I could take a picture of this moment, it'd be nice to have it in my wallet or as my phone wallpaper.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now