Chapter Twenty Five- Epilogue

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Chapter Twenty Five

Ten Years Later

Lucca's Point of View

"Hey guys calm down," I laugh as I see Matthew chase his little sister, Ariana, around the house. Her little shrieks just fill the air all over the place.

"Gotcha!" Matthew says as he grabs her and gently throws her up in the air. Ariana laughs and waves her arm around in the air as her long fluffy brown hair floats up with her like a cloud.

Matthew catches her and instantly she's chanting, "Up! Up!"

He tosses her up again and catches her into a hug, then takes her into the living room and tosses her onto the couch. I couldn't help, but roll my eyes a little.

"Matthew, don't roughhouse too much," I say a little sternly, "Remember last time?"

Matthew smiles sheepishly, "I'll be careful. Wanna watch T.V?" He asks Ariana and she nods.

"Can I have snack? Pwease?" She asks.

I nod with a small smile, "I'll get you guys some snacks, go ahead and watch something."

Hmm... I wish we had some chocolate so I could have a snack. That sounds so good right now..

Ariana's honey hazel eyes glitter, "Thank you!" she shouts and jumps off the couch to help Matthew pick out a movie.

Life is beautiful. My family makes life so beautiful.

There's some days, I'll just be watching the kids or watching Nathan do something simple like playing with them and I'm just amazed. It took fifteen years to get to this point. I'm incredibly blessed and thankful every day. Well, every so often we have our bad days like everyone does; sometimes Matthew forgets to do his homework even if I reminded him a million times to do it or Nathan is stern with Ariana and she throws a tantrum. However, the bad days are a million times better than a life I could've had if I was too scared to leave.

I gasp as I feel myself getting a big bear hug from behind.

"Hey you," Nathan says and gives me a peck on the cheek after he loosens his hug a little, "You excited for tonight?"

I flush a little briefly and shove the dirty thoughts out through my ear. I turn around and smile at Nathan. He looks a little tired today with his five o'clock shadow and messy hair. He looks like a sexy mess that I just wanna take a nap with to make him feel better about working so much.

"Of course! It's been a while since we've had a date night."

He smiles apologetically at me and gives me hazel puppy eyes, "I'm sorry hun. I'll take a break soon, we can go on vacation or something."

I sigh, "Or a staycation would be nice too."

"Can we go to Disneyworld dad?" Matthew asks from the living room and Ariana perks up at hearing Disney. She instantly had made the connection that Disneyland or Disneyworld equals princesses.

"Pwease daddy!" She squeals.

"Maybe guys," Nathan chuckles, he points at Ariana, "Only if you're good and," He points at Matthew, "If you turn in your homework and do well on your tests."

Matthew sighs, "Nevermind..."

"You know we're always here to help you," I say gently and Matthew shrugs, going back to picking a movie.

He's a really good student, but just having a hard time right now balancing clubs and classes which I understand. I try not to nag him about it too much though.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now