Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

(May 17, 2011)

38 Weeks

Nathan's Point of View

It was another quiet day in our dorm. It's kinda been like this since the ball. Tony has been keeping himself even more busy by doing more photoshoots on campus, more modeling gigs, and hell even actually doing his homework by spending more time with Lucca. The only time we really hang out anymore is on movie nights when Lucca is over and it's like everything is back to normal...unless Sophie is here.

I sigh as I scratch my head, reflecting on the past few months. Dating Sophie is pretty fun, but holy shit is this girl a sex fiend. I can't blame her if that's just how she is, but damn. She keeps trying to push me past giving blows, and she's gotten close when she asks me if I'm gay or not. The last time she did that I snapped and left. That was a few days ago, she tried texting me, but I replied that I need a few days to myself.

I feel confused and insecure... Usually my go to guy is Tony, but I feel like we aren't as close because of Sophie. I have no idea what his problem is with her. I would go talk to Lucca about it, but he has his baby issues to figure out. Lucca also doesn't like my girlfriend. I think he's a little harder to read because he's still really cool with me... I don't know. I kinda have to figure things out on my own this time, which just completely sucks. I just wish things would go back to normal.

Maybe things will. This is finally pack up week at our school. We have until Friday, May 20th, to leave campus and go home for the summer. As far as I know I don't have many summer plans besides maybe a few photoshoots here and there, maybe learn how to surf, and check in on Lucca and his baby. It's funny, he's trying to figure out names for his boy, but he's still stumped. The last time we spent trying to pick names, it ended up with him pouting and frustrated.

Wait. Speaking of summer and Lucca... Does he need help packing? I sigh and shake my head. He probably is trying to pack and hasn't asked us because that guy just is determined to be independent. I admire that about him, I can't imagine how hard it is to be strong in a rough situation like his. His child is lucky to have a strong dad... uhm, mom... Now I've confused myself.

I set down my book I was reading before I got distracted. I push in my chair and stretch, surveying the dorm room. I groan as I remember my dumb ass still has to pack too, but... I have until Friday...

I exit my room and make my way to the elevator. As I wait for the elevator, I get a text from Sophie.

Sophie: I miss you baby

Sophie: IMAGE.png

My eyes go wide as I receive another message, it's a nude. I flush a bright red as I struggle to think of what to do. I swear she is definitely something else. It's almost too much sometimes, but maybe I'm the weirdo for not being super into it...

Me: Nice :)

"Nice?" I hear a voice behind me say, and I swear I jump four feet in the air and drop my phone. I could feel my spirit leave my body into the next world.

"Oh fuck dude I'm sorry... Fuck is this manslaughter? Shit I'm so sorry." The voice says as they help me up. "Please say you're not dead..."

"I'm not dead?" I mumble as I bend down to pick up my phone and pocket the stupid thing. I looked at Tony who took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for scaring you into meeting God... I know it's obvious I'm not a fan, but seriously? Just 'Nice'?" He shook his head in disappointment.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now