Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

(May 20, 2011)

1:27 AM

Lucca's Point of View

I groan softly and slowly open my eyes. Thankfully it wasn't too difficult since the lights weren't bright enough to give me a headache. I feel like I slept forever... I could feel a dull ache in my stomach which pretty much made my brain scream 'Dummy you have a baby!'

I gasp and fully open my eyes looking left and right. I saw Nathan sleeping in the chair, quietly snoring with his arms folded. He was still wearing his t-shirt and jeans from yesterday... That's right... he was with me during my surgery. He held my hand and kept whispering comforting words. I could have sworn I saw his blue eyes brighten up when he and I heard my baby let out his first cry.

I felt my heart melt a little bit and go all gooey just remembering. I know I told myself I would try to stop falling for him, but of course... I'm an idiot who isn't very good at listening to my common sense or voice of reason. Nathan was there for one of the most important moments of my life... How could I not stop myself from wanting him to love me back? Even when he was sleeping he looked gorgeous...

"Nathan?" I call out quietly, my voice is kinda hoarse from being dry, hopefully he can give me a glass of water. Thinking of water sounds so heavenly right now.

He mumbles in his sleep and shifts a little bit to get comfortable. As gorgeous as he looked asleep, it didn't help me out much... I sigh and rub my eyes from feeling so tired. Thankfully, just as I thought I was doomed to die of thirst, Tony comes into the room as quietly as he can with what looks like a few water bottles and a box of double stuff oreos. Tony is now my favorite person at the moment.

"Hey Tony-" I say, but Tony I guess didn't realize I was awake, so he yelps and throws a water bottle, it ends up hitting Nathan in the chest and he snaps awake.

"OW- What the hell? Tony, you dumbass," Nathan grumbles and rubs his chest, he rubs his eyes and notices I'm awake. He takes a deep breath and smiles faintly at me.

"Sorry dude," Tony says sheepishly looking at Nathan, blushing from embarrassment. Then Tony turns to look at me with a grin, "Good morning Lucca, how'd you sleep?"

"I'm doing ok, my stomach kinda hurts... well itches kinda..., but I want to see my baby...Please," I say, yawning at the end.

"I'll go get the nurse," Nathan offers and hands me the water bottle.

"I'll go back to the cafeteria. You're probably hungry, right?" Tony asks.

"Thank you so much," I say as I open the water bottle and take a long drink. Once I finish the bottle of water, I accidentally burp loudly, Tony and Nathan laugh, now it was my turn to blush from embarrassment, "Sorry- excuse me...I'm actually not hungry, thank you though."

Tony smiles, "No worries, I'll be a minute down there. I'll hurry up because I can't wait to meet your baby!" His eyes kinda sparkle with excitement as he opens the door and exits.

Nathan glances back at me briefly, "I'll be back in a minute." He leaves and closes the door behind him.

I take a couple deep breaths and close my eyes. I know I was pregnant for a long nine months..., but I still can't believe I have a baby just outside this room that I will get to meet... I am so lucky right now. Even though a teen pregnancy means the end for some, maybe for me, this is the beginning to a better life.

I sit there and continue to let the emotions and events of my journey settle until I hear the door click. I see a guy, I'm assuming the nurse, in pink scrubs come strolling a little hospital baby bassinet, my baby wrapped up in a white blanket with blue bears on it. Nathan and Tony are right behind him, but honestly my whole focus is just on my baby. The nurse stops next to me and gently picks up my baby, cradling him.

The nurse looks at me with a smile, "Are you ready to meet your son?" he asks.

"Absolutely," I say and hold my arms out.

The nurse gently hands me my little white bundle and I gently cradle him, supporting his little head. The baby fusses a little bit, before yawning loudly and settling down to sleep again. I look at my baby in awe. While he was fussing I got a glimpse of his eyes before he closed them again, his eyes are a dark bluish gray, they're so pretty...He has chubby rosy cheeks, pink lips, a little button nose, and I could see blonde hair peeking out from underneath the baby cap.

"You are so perfect," I whisper, "I can't believe I made you from scratch..."

"Congratulations Lucca," The nurse says with a small smile, "Do you know what his name is?" He asks.

I nod gently and keep looking down at my little bundle, "His name is going to be Matthew Connor Marino." I keep admiring baby Matthew and just how amazing this moment feels. It was all worth it.

"Beautiful name," The nurse says, writing it down in a chart. "And Lucca do you know the father's information?"

I sigh briefly and continue smiling down at Matthew, shaking my head, "Nope, it's just me. I don't know who the father is."

"Alrighty. How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing ok, better now with my baby. Thank you."

The nurse nods, "Please let me know if you need anything. The doctor will be with you soon." He turns around and exits the room.

Tony gets closer to my bed and gasps softly, "Aww he's so cute!" He whispers, "Hi Matthew..." His eyes glitters with excitement.

Matthew yawns and cuddles in my arms, shifting slightly. I lean down and kiss the top of his head gently. Those nine months finally lead to this beautiful moment. My heart was overflowing with love. I'm going to try my very best in order to take care of him and make sure he knows he is always loved and that he can always trust me.

Nathan steps closer to look at Matthew, "He's so tiny... it's almost unreal," he whispers and looks in awe of the baby.

"I'm so happy I finally got to meet my little baby, Matthew," I say and look at his tiny face. Matthew continues to sleep, I'm pretty sure from what I read, he'll pretty much be sleeping for long periods of time and not much else. I don't mind though, it just means more time to cuddle with him.

I'm pretty worried about how home life will go from now on, but I hope— pray that everything will get better from here. I'm going to do my best to try to stay out of my uncle's radar and act like I'm not there. I think the only thing I'm completely stressing out on is how I'll make money— stop... I just need to shift my focus on the beautiful moment I'm sharing with my little Matthew.

"I love you so much...You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," I whisper. 

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