13: My whole story

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If he doesn't show up in the next 5 minutes, I'm fucking leaving. I don't have all day to sit around and wait for him. Im sitting at a restaurant waiting for my dad. The dad that I haven't to talked to in years. My mom asked me to give him a second chance and I hesitantly agreed. Now I'm really regretting that decision.

"Oh you're already here." He said as he walked from behind me, sitting in the seat in front of me. Fucking finally. "George, nice of you to join me." I said mockingly. "That's exactly your problem son, you don't know any respect. But I guess you have always been flawed." Oh here comes the insults.

"How's your mother?" He said after we ordered. "She's great. Why'd you ask to see me?" I answered, narrowing my eyes at him. "I wanted to check if you're still a disappointment, turns out you are. But again why did I expect so much of you?"

"You disappointed me too, George. I thought for once you'd step up and be a father but again why did I expect so much of you?" I snapped back. He rolled his eyes and glared at me. "Your words don't hurt me boy. I simply don't care about what you think. You're worthless to me."

Okay, we'll this is has been a blast. I'm gonna go now. Yes, his words did hurt my feelings, because I did always have hope that he'd become a real father to me. "How's the pretty girl that you've been in love with?" I tensed at the mention of her. I clenched my jaw. "Don't fucking talk about her." I said, feeling the anger rise up.

He gave me an amused look the let out a chuckle "Oh this is golden. She left you didn't she? She fell in love with someone else and left you behind, huh? I've always wondered when she'd realize that you're undeserving. Undeserving and unlovable." I Couldn't hold it in any longer. 17 years of anger all burst out of me when I got up, holding him by his collar and throwing a punch at him. "Shut the fuck up" I yelled

Gasps and yells of people around us fell on deaf ears when I pushed him to the ground punching him repeatedly.

She realized that I'm undeserving. Undeserving and unlovable.

Those were the only words ringing through my head when I threw punch after punch. Suddenly I was lifted off of him by two pair of hands. "Sir you need to calm down." I heard a voice say. I thrashed against the two people holding me back, getting out of their grasp on me.


Elyse POV

I woke up to knocks on my window. What the fuck? I grumpily got up and headed towards my window. I gasped in shock when I saw who it was. Sin holding on to the bottom of my window. Did he climb up to my window?

I quickly opened the window. "What are you doing?" I asked in a loud whisper, careful to not wake my dad up. "Hi baby!" He said, loudly, slurring his words. He's drunk. That's weird. Butterflies released in my stomach at the endearment. "Shhh. Be quiet. Come on hold my hands and come in before you fall." I grab his arms pulling him up. He's heavy. He comes in tripping on his own legs and falling to the ground. "Fucking hell." He slurs. I quietly laugh, helping him up and on my bed.

He turned his head looking at me with a big smile. His eyes were filled with affection and adoration. After a couple seconds his smile turned into a frown, his eyes started to glisten with tears.

I rushed over to him cupping his face. He melted at my touch, his tense body relaxed. "What happened? Why are you drunk?" I asked. "I met up with my dad." It makes sense now. Sin has told me about his dad before. To say that I hate that piece of shit would be an understatement.

I stayed quiet, letting him continue. He brought his hands up showing me the back of it. I gasped when I saw his knuckles. They were red, a bit bruised and had dried blood all over them. He gave me a small comforting smile and said "Safe to say, it didn't go well."

I got up to grab something to clean his hands up when he grabbed my hand. "Please Don't leave me." He whispered, a small tear pouring out his eye. I bent down wiping his tear away. It broke me to see him like this. "I'm not leaving I just want to get something to clean your hands up."

He looked at me with so much sadness in his eyes. So much fear. I sighed "we can clean up later." I said as I layed down beside him, I wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a hug. His head instantly nuzzled into my chest, his hands went around my waist pulling me impossibly closer.

I could tell he was holding in his tears. "It's okay to cry sin. Let it out. I'm here for you." He tightened his arms around me, as if he was scared I would fly away any second. I ran my hands through his hair as I felt his tears on my chest. He let out a small sob as he rubbed his hands all over my back.

After a few minutes of silence he looked up at me with tears still in his now bloodshot eyes, and his face wet and tear stained. "Why don't you leave him?" I looked at him with my brows furrowed "What?"I said. He laid his head back down on my chest. "Why are you with him? With Tyler." He asked. I stayed silent. I didn't want to lie to him, but I also Couldn't tell him the truth. "You confuse me, Elyse." He took a deep breath before continuing. "You tell me you like me, you kiss me, you beg me to touch you, you say you need me. But you really love Tyler." he says, his voice breaking at the last sentence.

I don't love Tyler. I don't fucking love him. I love you, god damn it.

I opened my mouth to deny it. To tell him I don't love Tyler. That I love him. But he interrupted me. He yawned. And his eyes shut. I felt a tear fall from his face onto my chest. "I can't be around you, angel. It kills me to see you with him. Maybe I was just a chapter in your life, but you're my whole story Elyse. You're my everything." He whispered, before his body slowly went limp in my arms, letting me know he's asleep.

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