50: I love you

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"Please mama. You guys go home. It's okay, just go home and let you know what happens." I say, trying to cover up how worried I was.

We've been at the hospital for about 2 hours now. Jax left and didn't come back. And he made the right choice. Because I would've fucking killed him.

He fucking kissed my wife.

And he's in love with her.

"Okay, baby. Call us if anything happens." She says, hugging me before they leave.

It's my fault. Why did I stress her out? I made her think I would leave her. I just needed time. So much has happened these last few months, I needed a break. But it wasn't her fault. Non of it is. I shouldn't have took it out on her. I shouldn't have overwhelmed her.

Suddenly the door to her room opens up and her doctor walks out.

"Is she okay?" I ask, nervously.

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

He nods his head.

"She's okay. We had to wait till she was awake for an examination. But you can go see her now. She was asking for you." He says.

She's been awake this whole time, and they haven't told me?

I feel the anger rising in me but, I calm myself down before walking in her room.

I see her lying in her bed. As soon as her eyes lay on me her eyes fill with tears.

I walk up to her sitting at the edge of her bed. My heart aching with every tear that falls down her face.

"Sin. I-" she stumbles on her words as she tries to get up.

I help her sit up, then I start talking.

"Look, Elyse. Let me say this first. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, Angel." I start.

She shakes her head, her mouth opening to say something, but I don't let her. She has to know how I feel first.

"It's not your fault that you don't remember me. It's not and I shouldn't have made it seem that way. I shouldn't have overwhelmed you and I shouldn't have left you. We should take things slow-" but she interrupts me.

"I love you." She blurts out.

At first my body relaxes, my heart fluttering at hearing that after so long. A smile forms on my face. I've been waiting so long to hear those words from her pretty lips.

But then my mind really processes her words. She can't love me. She can't love me in 6 days. My smile falls, a frown forming on my face.

"Elyse. You don't love me. You can't- you can't love me." I spit out, the words feeling like poison on my lips.

I would've never thought I'd be saying these words with so much conviction.

She swings her arms around my neck, resting her head on my chest as her tears wet my shirt. "No. I love you, Sin." She says, her voice tired.

I really wish you did.

"I- I remember. I remember everything." She cries out.

My body freezes in shock. Every muscle in my body tensing. My breath stilling.

She remembers?

She really remembers?

I pull back, gently pushing her shoulders to face her.

"You- you remember? You really remember baby?" I ask, feeling tears gather in my eye.

Please say yes.

She nods her head, a smile on her face as she cries.
"I remember." She confirms

My heart warms, an unexplainable intense feeling of happiness and gratitude spreading through my body. Every piece of my body feels as if it's coming alive.

Thank you. Thank you god.

I grab her face, joining our lips. Moving my lips against hers in longing. She moves her lips against mine with the same longing. Her hands going to the back of head, pulling me impossibly closer.

I could stay in this moment forever.

She pulls away, resting her forehead against mine as we both breath heavily.

"Say it again." I say, my voice coming out hoarse.

She smiles against my lips, her hands running through my hair.

"I love you." She says, and my heart flutters a big smile forming on my face.

"I love you." She repeats. "I love you so much, Sin Romano. I love my husband so much." She says a little louder.

My heart bursts with happiness.

I laugh, kissing her again.

"I love you. I love you baby." I say, not able to wipe that big ass smile off my face.

"Take me home and fuck me please."

I can feel my cock slightly hardening.

Naughty girl.

A smirk forms on my face as I whisper, "Always desperate for my cock."

A desperate smile forms on her face, as her eyes fill with desire.

I get up, helping her get changed into her clothes.

"Sit here. I'll go sign the discharge papers." I say, leaving a kiss on her head before walking out.

I come back after a couple minutes. I see her little eager smile when I walk in. She extends her hand, asking to be picked up.

She looks adorable.

God, I love her so damn much. Thank you god.

I gladly comply, picking her up, letting his legs wrap around my torso. She snuggles her head the crook of my neck as I wrap my hands around her waist. She yawns in my arms.

Yeah, I'm definitely not fucking her tonight. She's too tired and she needs to rest. But tomorrow though... that's a whole different story.

"I love you." I say happily, knowing that she'll say it back.

"I love you more, baby."

Authors note.

I know. I know it's a short chapter. I'm a little sick and I'm going to sleep soon but I wanted to update again.

Get ready for some smutttttt.

We're going with the smut suggestion one of you gave the other day. It's different than what they usually do, but I'm ALL for it.

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