Unusual Circumstances

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Izuku woke up, confused, as he had regained consciousness in a room he didn't recognize. Looking around, he spotted decorations he'd never had in his room. Posters of planets and stars, as well as an... inexpensive poster of the black hole hero... Thirteen. When he looked towards the dresser, he came to the horrifying conclusion that that he was not just in a stranger's room, but a girl's room! He thought to himself, Where am I?! How did I get here?!

A girl's voice responded to his thoughts, "Who's there?!" The voice was deeply concerned. He was too, for a completely different reason.

He got up, Wait... who is this? You can read my thoughts? The greenette was desperate for answers, wondered to himself. Then he realized, I must have muttered something again.

However, the girl was still panicking. "Um... where are you? How are you controlling me?!"

Still not listening to what she said, instead focusing on how she spoke, Izuku tried to calm the girl down. Ok... let's calm down... Wh-what's your name?

Taking the advice, the girl took a few deep breaths, before revealing her name. "Ochako Uraraka..."
My name is Izuku Midoriya...

With introductions out of the way, Uraraka asked again, this time, not so loud. "Can you stop controlling me please?"
Izuku was immediately confused by the statement. Controlling you...? But this is my body...

However, her voice, still scared, weakly informed him. "No... turn to the mirror."

Izuku did and found that he was inside a girl's body. Slack jawed by her beauty, he took in every detail with practiced precision. She was average in terms of body shape, her clothes covering a decent amount of skin, wearing a Tshirt with the NASA logo, and space themed pants. Analyzing her for what her quirk might be, he found it on her hands. She has unusual finger pads. Looking up at her face, he couldn't help but blush, as she was definitely what he would have considered out of his league. An auburn bobcat framed a round face, with stunning chocolate eyes, and a faint blush... he supposed that was due to him, not her. Taken aback by the new appearance, he spoke, hearing her voice say what he was going to. "What the..."
Indignant, Izuku watched as her facial expression changed to mirror how he imagined she felt. "Hey, now you're using my voice?!"
Panicking again, he waved her arms around in a defensive gesture, a reflex. "I don't know, I'm experiencing all of this for the first time! I should calm down..." He relaxed... letting go a little... and Uraraka took that opportunity to take back full control. "Finally... I have my body back!" However... she was definitely concerned about his final response, as it was clearly something he did often. Deciding to confront the elephant in the room, the brunette asked. "Um... why are you here?"
Izuku thought to himself, as to avoid pushing her boundaries, especially when he basically became a hitchhiker in her body. I have no idea... I know you watched me die, but that's the only thing I can think of... It's like I'm stuck watching someone's life...

Uraraka laughed nervously, still clearly perturbed by this... situation. "It's a little unnerving knowing that you can control me at any time..."
I promise I won't without your permission.

Sitting back down on her bed, she whispered to herself. "T-thanks... this is so weird..."
The boy's voice reminded her that he felt the exact same way. You're telling me.

Suddenly self conscious, especially about the fact that she had to get ready for the day, asked. "Um... what exactly do you see?"
After a moment of clear hesitation... especially since he knew why she was asking... he stated: I-I can only see what you do. I can't control your eyes since I gave you back control.

Now completely embarassed, she covered her now reddening face with her hands, which caused her to float up. Normally, Izuku would be asking a million questions about that. What was the activation of this power? What was its limits? How can you best apply this in heroics? But... at the moment, that was the furthest thing from his mind as she stated what they both realized. "Ok... so now I have to deal with you watching me change..."
S-Sorry... I tried to kill myself, not possess a girl!

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