Navigating Nepal

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The next morning was a bit hectic, as the first thing she heard from the lovely little old lady who ran the inn said there was a phone call for her. Confused, Ochako picked up the phone, and heard a familiar voice. It was Taishi Shirubātan, the ambassador. "Uraraka, please tell me you're here."
Her voice wavered from the question, not quite knowing if she was in trouble or not. "Yes?"
The next question did allay her fears to a degree. "And you're unharmed?"
She was getting confused even more at this point, was she in trouble or not? "Yes... how did you...?"
Sighing with relief, the ambassador calmed down, clearly letting her worry go. "Oh thank goodness. When I saw your card ping in Nepal, I was worried that you'd been robbed. How are you?"
Watching the old lady tidy up the inn, the brunette lowered her voice. "I did what I had to and entered that zone. I can't tell you everything, but I received the first part of the cure."

Now it was Taishi's turn to be confused, positive, but confused. "First part? So you need more time?"

Ochako admitted, her voice quiet. The ambassador was a nice person, and it hurt to say this, "I don't think I'll ever get back to the embassy. Or see you again."

The silver/bluette ambassador reassured her. "That's fine, I wouldn't expect you to. The Chinese government's all in arms about whatever you did. The land is actually reverting back to normal... and half want to congratulate you for helping their nation, while the other half want to dissect you to see what's so special about your quirk that makes you immune. Fortunately you happened to escape before they could alert the border guard."

Shocked, Ochako nearly dropped the phone. "I dodged a bullet."
The ambassador concurred with that. "So did they. If they took you prisoner, I would have to get involved, and it would escalate to an international incident, since you are well known in the international hero community at this point... Especially since Allmight is your teacher, imagine if he got involved..."

She cut of the woman before she could get into a rant. Something she felt was necessary. "I get it. I'm on the trail for my next one, but I have to keep going west..." She checked the compass against a map. It would have her going... through... "I can't do that without going through a warzone..."
She realized what Ochako was asking, "Ah, you need passage... I can arrange that. Head to Kathmandu. It's the closest major city. I'll use my connections to arrange a flight around that mess. Do you know where you're headed?"

"According to my current trajectory..." She lined it up, using a mental ruler to project her destination as... "Could you get me to Athens?"

"Athens? Piece of cake. If it were a city in a warzone, that would require more. I'll talk to you later..." After giving her phone number, and discussing the balance left on the card, she cut the line. Probably to not draw attention to herself. The little innkeeper, who honestly reminded her of Recovery Girl, asked in broken English: "Everything... good?"
She smiled, "Yes, thank you. Do you know the best way to Kathmandu?"

The old lady nodded, and explained about a train that goes to the capital city. It would be leaving in half an hour from the central station in town, and she should go now to get a ticket. Thanking her, she rode the train, watching the landscapes pass by. The view was stunning, seeing everywhere covered in sparkling snow. The airport was nothing too special, not as fancy as Shanghai's airport, but still serviceable for its intended purpose. As the train pulled into the station, Ochako glanced around, still on edge. She couldn't tell that Mineta, now a demon, was disguised, and so was on guard against any potential threat. Meanwhile, Izuku appreciated the little details their new eyes allowed them to see. They could perceive many fine details, such as the pattern of scales on a snake quirked person, or the brand on the side of a person's glasses from a few feet away... it awed them both how strong they felt. But, Izuku remembered a key detail.

Just because we're stronger, doesn't mean we're invincible. Remember what Life said? We're still killable. He wouldn't make us immortal, just long lived...

Yeah, I remember.

But... our plane will be here soon... They walked up to the flight board, to check which flight would be the next one to Athens... and saw it would be leaving in a few hours. Sighing, they got in line.

The two got weird looks from many. Considering her wings, and such, they sympathized with the process they'd be going through. After all, they had to use an airplane, cramping themselves further, and it was clear she'd lost her luggage. At least from an outside perspective.

Fortunately, when she reached the counter, Ochako asked the ticket vendor how much the flight to Athens was. She was offered different options, since the flight would be mostly empty, but still chose to go to business class...

However, through pity on their part, or sheer luck, Ochako found her ticket had been upgraded to first class, wing quirk specialty. When looking back at the vendor, he winked back.

That's nice of him...

Izuku was more wary, considering the fact that... Mineta tried to use their good nature against them. He may have been a bit sympathetic, after all, we look like we had gone through a rough time... which we have. But we have to be careful.

Right... I don't know about you, but I'm hungry...

Yeah, have a bite. I'd rather not have to force you to eat airplane food.

Yeah, that stuff is the worst.

Entering past the security checkpoint, they made their way to where the restaurants were, and were surprised by the options. But, when she saw the prices on the display menus, Izuku could feel Ochako hesitate.

Ochako, you have the card. Don't worry about the prices...

But I don't know the equivalency rate!

I'm sure it's nothing too drastic. We've already paid for things in this currency before, and the ambassador assured us we have more than enough.

Okay... I kinda want to try...

And so they found themselves trying Russian food. Since she'd never go there due to her current path, she'd want something different then where Ochako would be headed. So, she had a traditional dish: Slashlik, or a collection of 2 or 3 meat kebabs with spices. Taking a bite, the two debated about which part of the flavors was best.

It's gotta be the savory flavor.

No, the spice has to be the best part. It's got a bit of kick!

No... I can't agree on that...

They continued to argue as they boarded the plane.

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