Viraleur, Daughter of Life

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There was a large, glass sealed room. Or, more accurately, it would have been if there wasn't a large, gaping hole in the ceiling, sunlight pouring inward. It didn't look like it was caused by natural causes....

Sebastian saw it as well, but didn't say anything. Instead, his gaze turned to the center of the room. And Ochako's followed.

Is that...?

A sickly pale girl, looking a few years older than Ochako was, sat in the center of the room. Her arms are bound inside of a straightjacket, a device normally used to keep inmates from hurting others or themselves... but it made no sense. It kept her from being able to defend herself, if she wanted to. In this abandoned, broken down structure, it seemed as if she were helpless due to that. The only clothes she wore was that particular straightjacket, long enough to go down to her knees. Her hair was wiry, and a bone white color. Her breathing was ragged, but she didn't act alarmed at that fact, and her skin was a pale gray, corpselike color, with even some dark colored veins visible from their distance. Everything in Ochako's biological mind was telling her, begging her to leave that thing behind. It would kill her if she did what she knew she had to... but then she coughed. With her hand in front of her mouth, she felt a terrible sensation. Liquid, as well as throat pain. Checking her hand, she found blood staining it.

Oh... oh god...

Looking back up, she found that the girl beyond the glass had stiffened, and slowly turned to look at them, staring directly at Ochako. Frozen, she could only watch as the literal goddess slowly got to her feet with an ungainly elegance. Facing her fully, the deity walked over the debris-ridden floor, her bare feet traversing the room slowly until she faced Ochako.

It was then that she could see the girl's face up close. Dark veins snaked under her skin, but most of it was covered by a mask. Giving a distinctive mask noise, it was made of a far worn leather, it covered her nose and mouth, hiding most of her face from the world. Her eyes, on the other hand, were one of the only features that she could see... and it was clearly unnatural. The pupils were dull, and dead. Unfocused, but Ochako knew, in her mind, that this being could see just fine. Her irises were a vile green, and the white of her eyes were a sickly yellow. There was a definite theme in appearance... and it fit with what she had heard of this being.

She watched with amusement as Ochako coughed again, before noticing Sebastian. Her voice was sweet, but frail, as if on the verge of giving out at any time. "Cousin..."


Izuku was horrified by Sebastian's one word introduction. That's Viraleur?! She looks like she's a few minutes from dying!

Didn't he call her the embodiment of disease?

"What brings you..." She took a ragged breath, amusement dripping like a faulty drainage pipe, " my... humble sanctuary?"

"For once, I'm not here for myself." He stated, with a cold expression and tone. He didn't want to be here, and now that it was, he'd try to make it her problem. "Ochako and Izuku here... needs your father."

"And what..." she paused again, "makes you think... I would help both of you?"

Sebastian responded with one statement. "Because Lady Death promised you would."

She didn't respond for a few moments, her breathing taking up the silence. However, Ochako asked, "Please... I need his help, and you...*cough* ... are the only one who can."

Her unflinching gaze shifted back to the dual haired girl. "Hm... and why should I? You know... who I am, correct?"

As this was now a negotiation, she brought the cards needed. Ones that Lady Death herself promised her. "Well... You'll be meeting back with Life, and I'm sure he wants to see you again."

Viraleur looked at her, meeting her gaze. It was a studious one, now. Taking in all aspects. "Ah... I can see why you need him. Both of you. And I can tell you're afraid. It's wise to be. If you can get me out, and survive the trip, I can bring you to father. But it's all on you. I won't go easy on you, so if you die, I'll leave you behind."

"That won't happen." Ochako stated, still meeting her eyes. Although... her body was protesting this bravery already. Just being close, even through glass, was enough to infect her with something.

"Hah... I like your confidence. Will it last?" She spoke quietly, her voice now hoarse. However, she didn't seem inconvenienced at all, even with whatever appeared to afflict her.

Sebastian quickly acted, and opened the door by cutting through it with his sword. It was a weapon she had seen him have as both forms, but never paid much mind to. After all, she thought that it was for decoration. Something both Sabrina and Sebastian liked. She'd have to ask about it later. "Which way?" 
As she passed by him, he recoiled back, but did not break her gaze. "Hm... you still hate me for your woman... she survived... you know..."

However, the angel didn't respond to that, clearly having rage on his mind... but not wanting to rant right now. Ochako understood perfectly well. "Focus. On. This." He growled at her, "Not. That."

"Very well... Follow me." She walked slowly down the hall they had come, and the two followed soon after. 

Izuku whispered to her in their shared mind, clearly knowing that they could be overheard by all of them. I don't trust her.

I don't trust her either, Izuku, but we have no choice...

Unbeknownst to them, Viraleur smiled under her mask.

As they left the city, Viraleur breathed raggedly as she walked, but still kept her head high.

Sebastian asked her. "Where is it?"

She countered, clearly understanding what the Chinese government has done to the area. Closing it off, while she can't climb the fence. "What, so you can... leave me... alone? Unable to... protect... myself? I don't... know... the name. I only... know... the direction."

"You can protect yourself just fine. Everything dies when they get close." Sebastian retorted. While he wasn't wrong, he was also as transparent as a glass brick. Willing to hit hard, and be honest about why. Something that Ochako hasn't really seen from most people. It just went against the culture of Japan.

After a few minutes of further silence, Viraleur finally asked, "So... you came all this way... but my main question is this... why did Lady Death put his soul in... your body?"

That came as a surprise to everyone. Sebastian turned to them, "She did? How come..."
Uraraka, suddenly on the spot, had no clue. And her voice reflected that truth, "I don't know! I didn't see anyone else..."
The deity laughed. It was cruel, cold, which turned into a fit of coughing. "She's there... at every death. Of course she would be... The question... I have... is why?"

Izuku spoke directly to Viraleur for the first time. "Well... perhaps it's because she thought I needed a longer life?"
That seemed to placate her... but the goddess' logic was far more nuanced than Ochako and Izuku could possibly understand. "Possibly... she hates when children die... the most... but she usually... doesn't circumvent the rules... after all, even she... is bound to natural law."

"Why bring this up?" Sebastian asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Just... thinking of something... new... for once. I don't... get out much..." It was at this time where they approached the barrier. "Well... how are we...?"
"I've got this." Sebastian said, withdrawing his blade again, and cutting through the chain link fence easily. Kicking it down, he gestured for the deity to go first. Fortunately, it didn't trip an alarm, and the three of them started moving North West. She continued on, and the rest followed for the rest of the day. A day of walking through the woods... unaware that their movements hadn't been ignored. Someone was watching... and waiting.

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