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When she arrived at her room, she flopped onto the bed. Her wings were still sore, but it was a dull ache now. Sebastian asked, "Your wings... can't have been comfortable in that limo."
She admitted to their companion. "They do still hurt. I'm just glad nothing's broken."
"Yeah..." He sat down, careful to avoid a wing, and asked, "Would you like me to help?"
"Could you?"
"Yeah. I find sore wings respond really nicely to a good massage. Deliah used to give me really nice ones, but... I can try to do the same."

"Whatever. I'm not moving until it goes away." She said, and Sebastian laughed, before he started with her left wing. It hurt, but afterwards the pain went away. While she waited, Ochako asked, "So... what's your story? You know mine."

The boy faltered for a moment. "It's not a happy one, to be honest."

"You know mine."

He sighed, still careful with his massaging. "Well... I was a boy from a world far unlike yours. You all have your quirks, villains and heroes... they did not exist when I was alive. Only a mundane world with nothing... or at least that's what it appeared like. After death, souls had a lot of choices. A lot of powerful deities to choose from. If you were worthy, you could be invited by Solverne's angels, you could sign up to be a part of Artorian's demons, you could be neutral, although it is difficult due to... those two. There were other places too... Judgment's purgatory, paradise, and hell, if you could find it, even be reborn, a clean slate in Adenheim. But... I was different." He sighed. "To understand me, I have to give a brief overview of Angels and Demons. Lady Death wanted to have children, but couldn't in the conventional way. So, she approached Life, asking for his assistance. Their combined efforts created three beings. Solverne, the oldest, Lunoc, the middle child, and Artorian, the youngest. She raised them, or at least tried to, but... when they became "mature", they went their separate ways. Solverne sought out power, and proposed to Lux, the direct daughter of Light. Jealous of this, Artorian went to the opposite power, and married Tenebris, daughter of Dark. Know this, those two aren't good or evil. They just exist." He got up, and moved to the opposite side of the bed, and started helping her other wing, "Well, they had their children, 7 each, and eventually war broke out between them for supremacy. Well... my father, Monar, son of Artorian, and Lunara, Daughter of Solverne, fell in love."
Ochako took all of this in. This changes everything.

He's not done.

"I was born. Or at least my soul was. But, due to the war, their love was forbidden. When the families found out... there was a truce. At this point, Artorian and his family didn't consider themselves related to Solverne at all. They thought I was an abomination. But..." he paused. "Death hid me away in a living body. I lived a life, semi interesting, with a bit of travel. My parents got work in Abu Dhabi, and mercenaries took my school hostage. For what, I have no idea. It was halloween, and I was dressed up as a video game character. From a series called Dark Souls. I dressed up as an Abyss Watcher. I even got to bring in their big greatsword. I took them down, one by one... but then I died afterwards from getting shot. Well, went into a coma, to be more accurate. I formally died when I tricked one of Artorian's sons into possessing my body, but that's not really important. I found and freed mom and dad... then... there was a plague, then another war, and then the Onyx war, but that's a story for another time." He stopped. "Does it feel better?"

She moved her wings, and found them to no longer ache. "Yes. Thanks."
"No problem. The trick is to not press too hard. Your wing bones are strong, but more brittle and prone to shatter. And it's much harder to fix a broken wingbone than it seems."

"Right. I'll keep that in mind..." She checked the time, and found that it was 1:35 in the afternoon. That means it's 12 in Japan right?


"I'm going to get a bite." She stood up and stretched her other limbs after lying on the bed for a while. She glanced back, seeing Sebastian sitting on the bed before leaving the room.

Sebastian didn't watch her leave.

You didn't tell her everything. If we're going to have Viraleur with us, you can't let your past...

It won't.

But Deliah almost died to her. You still don't forgive her for...

I will put it aside. Besides, she lived.

I don't believe you, Seb.

... Sabrina...

Look, you have to. Soon. If you don't, I will.

Fine. Just give me time.

The rest of the day went by rather smoothly. There were a lot of people in the embassy, to her surprise. The reason why... was worse than she thought. Things were getting worse here. Public opinion of Japanese people was already low due to the growing instability in the country... but it was getting worse, and they were getting ready to return home to Japan to avoid the worst. Despite this, she had to go to that place. After getting some food from the cafeteria, she sat down and was going to have a bite when a tall, good looking person sat asked, "is this seat taken?"

He sat down, with a tray of food. It was then that she took stock of who he was. He was tall, with an average build. Muscles on his arms were toned, and his face was what Mina would probably call: "Hot". His hair was short, violet and wild looking. His eyes matched his hair, although, unlike the kind smile he gave, his eyes were... what, hungry? Perhaps it was for food.

"So," He started, taking a piece of chicken from his rice bowl. "What's your name?"
The girl decided to be honest with her name. There's no harm in it, right? "I'm Ochako Uraraka."
"Ochita Sarani." He smiled, and put the piece in his mouth. "Say... you are a UA student right, from the Sports Festival?"


"You did amazing. I saw the replay. Couldn't watch it live, y'know..."

She nodded, and continued to eat quietly.
"So... why are you out here?" He asked. A casual question, but not one she was wanting to answer.

Without a premade excuse, she relied on people not prying into, well: "Oh... um... personal reasons..."
"That's fair, that's fair..." He said, before giving an answer of his own. "I'm out here for business. It's a shame things are getting so dicey out here."


As he talked, Izuku whispered to her, There's something not right about him. I can't pinpoint what, though...

I know what you mean...

"...and that's just getting started on my family..."
Getting up, she apologized for the departure. "Um, Sorry Mr. Sarani... I have to go."
"No hard feelings!" He laughed, and she walked away, back to her room for the afternoon. Meanwhile, he watched her leave. A shadow formed behind him, coalescing into a woman, beautiful beyond compare, who whispered, "Keep track of her. I know he's following close behind..." She smiled to him, "And you can claim your reward after he is dead..." She then shifted back into his shadow. He grinned to himself, eager to get to work.

Guardian Angel DekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora