Opposites Clash

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Yaoyorozu Momo was the golden child of 1A. She had wealth, was respected enough to be class president, she was very smart, and her quirk could do almost anything with no visible downside...

For Ochako, this was not the case. She had one, very particular advantage. That being, of course, Izuku. Two minds in one, who was immensely good at strategy and combat mathematics. He could calculate what a quirk does, what they need to do in order to launch an attack, and strategize a counter if needed. The boy's soul gave her an edge over everyone else, and this would be the necessary advantage for her, right now. His intelligence rivaled her class representative's. However, one attribute that did not go away was her aloofness to the plights of others, especially those not in her economic class. In other words, she's had it far easier. And this would make her underestimate her opponent. To a high degree.

Ever since the Katsuki incident a few weeks back, she had been merely ignoring the brunette. Even in class matters. It was incredibly isolating, especially since there were preparations for future class activities that the majority of the class involved themselves in. The only ones who didn't, were Katsuki (no surprise there), Todoroki, and Mineta, the latter banned from anything involving the girls. For good reason.

Ochako waited at the opposing end of the arena for the match to start. Izuku was secretly giving a pep talk. Alright, her quirk, creation, is very versatile. She probably has a dozen different ways to defeat you, but they all involve a long time buildup. A quick victory is in your best interest. However, she does have some weapons training under her belt.

The brunette kept that information tidbit in the back of her thoughts. I'll keep that in mind.

Midnight waited outside the ring, cracking her whip as she shouted, "BEGIN!"

To her opponent's credit, Momo immediately created a method for defense and offence at the same time: a shield and sword to fight. However the formation of those objects was an opportunity, one which Uraraka took advantage to bolt towards her. She acted like she was going to leap over her, but kept her weight. She had pretended to make herself weightless, allowing her to kick with full force. Momo cried out when she got kicked in the shoulder, before striking back with a wide sweep from her sword. Barely dodging underneath, she attempted an uppercut which Momo deflected with her shield.

This caused the brunette to go flying back. She's adapting... Do you want to take over?

While Izuku didn't want to win every fight for her, this kind of fight was not her specialty. Strategy was the boy's forte. So, when that question was asked, he merely replied: Sure. Ochako's eyes turned green as Izuku took control. Right. Creation, no drawn out fights, just in case. Her intelligence is extensive, however she lacks confidence. If I can break that, then I win. The best way to do so is to prove that we're better than her in one fundamental area. Combat & Strategy.

But how... She's too strong... and intelligent!

There was a moment of relative silence, where Izuku was continued to be pushed back. I've got a plan... not the best one, but the only one I've got.

I believe in you.

Izuku continued to move, staying in motion as Momo switched tactics, staying at range. She had discarded her blade, and created a... gun. A lever action, while using the shield as cover, not that there was anything to use against the ravenette. Their motions were fluid as they tried to get close, constantly avoiding the rubber bullets. Needing to reload, she tossed the gun aside, creating a spear, yet again, from her hand.

She's trying to keep her distance... that won't work.

Still, we can lose if we're not careful!

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