Hero Name

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When class finally reconvened after the sports festival, everyone couldn't help but speculate what Ochako's quirk evolved into. It was something angelic, but how was that related to zero gravity? Either way, the wings were here to stay. People glanced at her, and some were nervous. Toru especially, since she fell into the Pit, and was the only hero student that didn't make it past the first activity. Fortunately, her place was secure, as Mineta decided to make a pass at a woman who decided to press charges. His seat was now empty, as he had a court date, and UA would not be providing assistance.

Ochako, on the other hand, stood proud. She and Izuku did their best. And that was all that mattered.

Aizawa's voice brought the two of them back to the present. "Here is a list of inquiries for each of you, as you can see, it was affected by your performance in the Sports Festival."

Many of them received a few, with the list getting exponentially bigger as they went up to the victors. Ochako herself had the most, which surprised her. Not Izuku, who knew that the evolution was the best bit of exposure that she could've received at the Sports Festival.

The raven haired hero explained, "In order to prepare for your first true experience in the world of heroes... you will have to come up with a hero code name. Due to my inability to judge this properly, I am bringing in..."
"ME!" Midnight burst through the door. A showoff, but one who loved working with students, the 18+ hero was actually a really good teacher. Even with her... 'gimmick'. You just had to be careful to not mention it directly to her. "Your hero names are a core part of you. They will stick to you after your debut, and often your first hero name is the one that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Choose wisely..." She smirked, grinning as the class suddenly became nervous. Cracking her whip, she remarked. "So here's what you'll do: You'll write down your choice, and then share with the class."

Each student presented their choice of name. As the time approached Ochako's turn, they were debating... but eventually came to an agreement. She stood up, and went to the front of the room. Her eyes were of two colors. Left a deep verdant, right a rich chocolate. The sign was easy to see, and she spoke clearly, without any nervousness. "Valkyrie, the Angelic hero."

Midnight thought for a moment, but then clapped, "That's perfect! It represents you, and your evolution!"

She received some applause, especially from Hagakure, but for the most part, the others were still wary... after all, she was by far the strangest student... and a certain blond would have made their lives difficult if they didn't continue to be...

However, before the day ended, Aizawa pulled her aside. Excusing her from Ectoplasm's math class, he explained to her in a hushed tone, "Uraraka, there is something I have to discuss with you. Privately."

He gestured for her to follow him as he started to walk. As he did so, he asked, attempting to be social, "So, how are you two?"
She smiled, relaxing slightly, "Good. I think. We've made some friends in class B, and Hagakure's apologized and become my best friend in class."
"That's a start, I suppose." It was then that she realized they were heading to Recovery Girl's medical wing. "Why... why are we here?"
He explained, his voice... calm, yet gentle. He had never been gentle with their class before. "We've been running some tests in the background. Nezu and I have never heard of anything like this, so we've been seeing if there are any... detrimental effects... to your condition. There have been benefits, but with everything, there is always a downside. Recovery Girl wants to tell you the results in person.

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