Expect the Unexpected

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Arriving to her room, drained from the excitement of the day, Ochako locked the door and sat on the bed next to Toru. The invisible girl wanted answers, especially since Ochako promised to tell her friend after the school day. "So... who told you two about this... cure?"
"A..." The brown haired angel wasn't sure how to classify Sebastian. He was certainly many things, completely unique as beings went. So, she went with the closest word. "...friend of mine. Similar... condition."

She seemed excited, in any case. Her voice reflected her immediate mood swing. "Oh! A new friend? Can I meet them?"
Before Ochako could say anything else, there was a massive thump at the balcony door. Toru heard it as well, looking worried. "Did a bird fly into a window?"

However, instead of it being a bird, it was Sebastian. He was rubbing his head, while Ochako whispered to herself. "In a manner of speaking... You wanted to meet him, right?"
If Hagakure's face was visible, she'd be both confused and excited. Her voice expressed that for her. "Really?!"

Opening the balcony, Ochako hurried the angel inside. "Alright, Sebastian, can you become visible please?"
"What... are you serious?" He asked, glancing at the other girl. As if he could see through her invisibility. Toru was even more excited because she was meeting yet another invisible person, just like her. Izuku explained for Ochako, who was already starting to lose patience with the angel. Unlike Ochako, he did not trust him as much, but considering the alternative... Sebastian was someone who had started to get on her nerves. Especially because of his... other half. "She knows everything about me and is our best friend."

"Everything...?" He asked, brushing off his black robes and dusting off his metal pauldron. There was an inherent, unasked question, which of course they all knew: Don't talk about Lady Death.

That, Izuku was quick to understand and explain. "Ok, not anything about her, but mostly everything."
"Alright." He snapped his fingers, then crossed his arms. Nothing appeared to have changed, at least for two of them, but for the third, it was essentially magic. Since he was a soul, it might have well been just that.

"Woah." The invisible girl said, before approaching him. She ducked under a wing, quickly analysing every detail, and circled round to his front, before asking, "You're just like Ochako! What's your name?"
Smirking slightly at the attention, he stated: "My name is Sebastian."
"How did you two meet?"
Sebastian laughed, but it was strained, as if not entirely liking reviewing that particular memory. Considering what Lady Death said after their first meeting... yeah, there was good reason not to look upon that kindly. "We met because she could see me arguing to my other half. You know about her little... ghost friend, right?"

"Yeah..." The invisible girl was confused for a moment. Then made the realization a moment after, just as he began to explain his own situation. 

"Well, we have a... similar situation. Although, in this case, being..." He hesitated, but, since she knew about the whole two souls issue, this wouldn't be anything too extreme for the invisible girl. "...dead has its perks. I don't have to worry about my body dying on me."

Now that caught her off guard, she was about to ask when Ochako huffed, annoyed. "And you said you wouldn't say anything."

"But I didn't. You already... Wait... you... I didn't..."" However, his own voice was interrupted by himself, "Of course you did. You're just lucky grandmother isn't here to reprimand you. The living aren't supposed to know how the afterlife actually is." He turned back to her, "Sorry, I'm Sabrina. His better half."
"Hey!" He complained, "We're at least equal."

Toru just stood in amazement giggling slightly. She decided to ignore the whole: there is a dead man in her best friend's room issue, and focused on what was important instead. "So... you have two people too..."
"Slightly different situation, but yes." He nodded, confirming the situation.

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