Hopefully Temporary Goodbyes...

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The next morning, the two souls didn't get ready for class. There was no point, besides the fact that Ochako was excused due to her... "condition". However, there was one thing she had to attend... lunch with Class B. It wouldn't be fair to not explain to them what was going on. Especially since they were all her friends.

Kendo waved her over, and she sat down next to them. "Hey, how is it going? We missed you yesterday."
"Yeah... um... things have been... a lot... for me yesterday." Ochako didn't quite know where to start. But she wanted to know about what they've been doing, "How was class yesterday?"
"You know, it was the usual. Math with Ectoplasm, Art with Midnight... There was some hero classes, but it was about protocols for rescue... oh, we finally have the chance to go the USJ like you did!"

That made her flinch slightly, still remembering how close the villains had come to killing all of them.

That caught the attention of Ibara, who was worried for her. "Kendo..."

"Oh, right... I kinda forgot that it wasn't a great experience for you..."

"Yeah... well... it was educational." Ochako smiled back, putting on a brave face. "You'll have to tell me about it... when I get back."
That caught everyone's attention. "When you get back?" Setsuna repeated, surprised, "You're leaving?"
"Y-Yeah. Have to." Ochako said.
"Why?" Ibara asked.

"Well... there's been a complication. Because of my quirk evolution... I'm dying faster."
"DYING?!" Kendo couldn't let go of that word. Everyone was absolutely shocked at this. "How?!"

Her left eye shifted green, something they had grown accustomed to as a part of her quirk, as she explained. "The easiest way for me to explain is like this... before, I was like a fireplace. Controlled, within limits, and can be added to... but now it's like I'm a raging inferno, devouring all my power at once... it's too punishing. But... I'm heading out to search for a cure."

The mushroom based girl asked, nervously, "Do... do you think you'll find it, shroom?"

"Yes. I have to believe I will." That got a bit of applause from Shirozaki, ever the dutiful christian, and one who applauded good shows of faith. Even if it wasn't just for her own religion.

After depressing the mood for the rest of lunch, it was soon time for Ochako to leave. This would be the last time she'd see them, until she could return. And because of that, all her friends, the girls from Class 1B, gave her one massive group hug. Some had to avoid the wings, but other than that, they all wished her well, and eventually trickled off to class. Kendo gave one last glance before leaving. Turning away from where they went, Ochako went outside, and extended her wings, before flapping once, launching herself high. After reaching a specific altitude, she stopped and looked down. The view was incredible, but... it was likely that this would be the last time she would see this place.

It won't be the last. We just have to go to Wuhan and see what this... guide... is like.

Thinking about what Sebastian was like before around this guide... Ochako was still not convinced. It's still really risky...

Yeah, I get it. You're the one that feels all the pain. I don't blame you for being nervous. At all. Hell, I am. But we have to at least try.

Yeah, we do.

She angled her flight path down, down towards the UA dorm, and landed gently on the rooftop... before teetering forward. Pain shot through her body, with no other recourse than gritting her teeth and bearing through it. All this did was reinforce the fact that it is, in fact, dying. As she walked down the stairs, the shot of pain numbing, she thought. I'm glad we're going tomorrow, before it gets too bad...

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