Senior Researcher Life

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Ochako was unsure of what happened after her collapse, but as she woke up, the brunette found herself in a strange room, full of experimentation equipment. Fear gave an adrenaline shot as she got up and onto her feet. She was surprised in the fact that she was completely healthy. Her breathing was... normal. The fever she had developed was gone. Every ailment had been cured, and her mind was the clearest it had been in weeks. Where am I...?

"Don't worry, you're completely safe." A hyperactive voice said behind her. Turning, she found a man with frizzled hair, wearing a lab coat with goggles keeping his hair back, away from his eyes like a headband. He was grinning madly, which gave the impression of a mad scientist, almost like a really bad Halloween costume.

A little unnerved, she leaned back slowly. "Um... thanks..."
Ignoring her clear discomfort, he monitored machines stationed around her. "Not to worry, both of you can be active as I repaired your mind and body." He said matter of factly. She was drawn to his eyes, which were a mesmerizing emerald green, and full of a clear, unbound power. They were almost like gemstones. "Th-thank you... wait, does that mean?"
Still grinning, he bowed theatrically, "Senior Researcher Life, at your service. Are you both intact? I don't hear anything from the other, Izuzuvela, or whatever his name is."

It's... alright? Is everything fixed?

"Didn't you hear me?" The god was irritated by Izuku's internal question. "Of course everything's fixed. And you can both speak here. You don't need to hide it in your mind."

Izuku actually spoke, turning her head so that the left eye showed only, "I'm sorry! You're life?! Amazing!"

"Glad to see you appreciate who you're conversing with." He huffed, before smiling again, "So, I'll give you the rundown, because you were a tough case. All who are exposed to my daughter for a long time are! And might I say, I am quite pleased with my work." With jubilation, he stated with clarity: "Finally a successful experiment!"

Izuku immediately thought aloud, "Ok, I have to take mental notes... Ready!"

Meanwhile, Ochako mumbled to herself, "I'll probably forget all of this..."

Life countered the brunette's life. "Not true! In fact, the first thing I had to fix once I removed Viraleur's influence was your memory capacity. You had lost a lot of neurons because of the twin souls thing, so I repaired and reinforced every function your brain has. Then I did a complete overhaul of your nervous system. Then to support that, I reinforced your skeleton, made it more akin to what you call "carbon fiber", and more dense at that. In order for that to be able to be moved, you would have to have a stronger muscular system. So I did just that, by reinforcing your tendons and making it have more fibers per muscle, as well as reinforcing those with a tiny bit of extra carbon matter, which were arranged in a format similar to diamonds. So your muscles are almost as durable as your new skeleton. Due to the extra weight caused by the augmentations so far, I increased your wing strength and made it a feature of your evolution, unlike the quirks of old. Some interesting aspects of your physical appearance have changed, but they're small changes at most. The left side of your hair turned green, making it half and half, and your left eye is now permanently green. No hiding that split personality. I wouldn't. You can now both live in your new body with no issues, giving you lots of time. Also, one other detail, as a progenitor of your new species, I decreased your aging rate, which should give enough time to establish your evolution properly before outside forces, well, force extinction."

Meanwhile, Ochako was flabbergasted by all of the details, but he was right. She understood and could remember every detail. It was as if she was running on Windows XP, and then was just upgraded to a supercomputer inside a drone which could withstand a warzone. Izuku was also ecstatic turning to face the right side as he spoke, "Wow... he did all of that for us?!"

"But wait..." a particular detail kept leaping out at her, and she turned, her right side now facing Life. "Did he say we're a new species?!"

He beamed, proud at the quick ability to note the small details. "I did! Good of you to pick up on that! You are indeed, too far gone, evolutionarily speaking, to be related to humanity. You would be considered... a subspecies, I think. Humanity evolved into to Homo Sapiens, then Homo Sapiens Sapiens, then Homo Sapiens Potentia, or as you know, quirked individuals, now to you, Homo Sapiens Divinitas! You must be careful to hide that fact, however, as when new species come onto the block, they will fight the older one, until only one remains. You know of that more than anyone, Izuku Midoriya, with your treatment at the hands of those with your quirks."

Izuku turned her head so only the green eye faced Life, "Wait, that was part of the reason?"

Life scoffed as if it were an obvious fact. "Of course it was! Life tries its hardest to survive! A constant experiment to see which form lasts the longest. Your kind, being Homo Sapiens Sapiens, was being outcompeted by Homo Sapiens Potentia, and you were part of the last of them. It's no wonder you have groups that detest those of the previous species, even when it's not your fault in the slightest! It's why Humanity slaughtered the Neandertals, way back when. You'll have to hide what you are just so people don't try to kill you for being the next step in human evolution. If you can do that, you'll be one of my proudest achievements!" He then looked at the clock. "Well, the next step you have to do is see my useless sons. They have their own domains, which are impossible to reach normally, but I think the edgy one is easier to access." He went over to a cupboard, and pulled out a device, and gave it to her. It looked like a compass with 7 points. 6 of them were spinning erratically, while the 7th remained still. "This is a compass given to me by my peer Death in order to keep track of the brat's children, when they're on the surface. Because only one is, at least to my knowledge, you should find her. She'll know where the entrance to their father's domain is."
They immediately thought of Selina, but he shook his head, "Not the succubus wannabe, his other daughter. She's always helpful, even if she's useless most of the time. Take what resources you need from the food cupboard, and head out when you can."

"What about Viraleur?" Izuku asked, his eye trained on Life, "I didn't get to say thank you."

"That's odd. Most people wouldn't think about things like that. She's still here, but I'll have to keep you two separate. Can't have you die on me after all the work I put into you." Well, that made sense, to a degree... but it was clear that it was less than a satisfactory answer.

"I... I see." Ochako was a little disappointed, even though they didn't get along as well as she'd have liked to.
He continued, undaunted, "Besides, it's for the best. Her's is a lonely existence, through no fault of her own. She'll... appreciate the sentiment. Take what food you need, and prepare to follow the compass." He pointed to it. She noticed one of the spinning compass needles actually had a name, "Selina", while the others were all unmarked. "You have one arrow marked?"
"She's a constant thorn in anyone's side. It's more to make sure that she doesn't interfere with my work. I can appreciate her changing goals, but I'm still unimpressed with her. All of that project has been a colossal failure. They won't grow or change. You will. And that is far more interesting than any conflict in their sedimentary domains." With that, he left the room, and gestured in a direction before going out of sight. A room with a "Kitchen" sign above it.

Izuku was tentative with his question, even though he didn't need to be with Ochako. "I guess we have his permission? To take food?"

"Yep, I'm starving." Ochako responded, walking into the back room, bringing her wings close to be able to fit through the door.

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