Chapter 1

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I don't want to be on this plane but my therapist says I need friends.He claims I have Avoidant Personality disorder but I see it as avoiding negative energy from people. Especially those who only want to see you fail or take advantage of your kindness. It was difficult because my family stood out being the only black wealthy family in the community.It attracted fake friends and those friends only wanted to claim they "black friend" so they'll seem diverse. Others wanted to get the newest Gucci bag for their birthday. They thought I was gullible Because I was quiet but they soon found out that I'm not the one to be swindled. As a result I got into some fights at school which my parents hated because it tarnished their picture perfect image.

Even though I've never been a social person after my parents death it got worse. The day of their death I warned them not to go on the business trip because my instincts told me that something bad will happen. My instincts have never been wrong.As usual they chose to ignore me and  disregard my feelings as being an immature child. It made me angry that they continue to choose making money even though we were already wealthy. I stared at them disgusted and yelled that I hated them as they walked through the door.I never thought that would be the last words I would say to my parents. They're private jet crashed at take off and they're weren't any survivors. At 17 I became an orphan. My parents never spoke of their family. They would only tell me that they work their asses off to get out of their versions of hell.

I was lucky I didn't need to get placed with my mother's best friend as my guardian because my birthday was only 2 weeks after their deaths. After their deaths I wanted to cry but no tears would come.I was sad but wasn't devastated and I felt like shit.Who doesn't mourn their parents. But when I think back I didn't really know my parents well enough to morn them. All I knew were nannies because making money was more important. I still miss them even though they weren't perfect. If someone asked me today if I would give up all my money for a loving family I would say yes. Call me dumb but when you don't experience all the loving moments of being with your family it's not worth it.

A year later I hired an investigator to find my parents family's. I was excited to find out I have aunt's and uncles only to realize that they were bums and leeches. The man who was supposed to be my uncle even tried to blackmail me with nude pictures for a million dollars. The pictures weren't even of me just someone who looked like me.I understand why my parents never interacted with them. It's sad when you can't trust your own family but that proves that blood doesn't mean shit. Even though they're toxic, I still managed to have a relationship with one of my cousins Natasha. She's aware of how the family is and is working hard to go away to college. I offered to help her pay for it but she refused. But I still have an account set aside for her that she doesn't know about.

I snap out of my thought as a pilot announces our descent into Hawaii. I turn to see Kristin and Courtney who are my supposed friends giggling. I don't care for those women and they sure don't care about me, They were the only ones that ever spoke to me during yoga and because I decided to listen to my therapist they became mind by default. I wasn't desperate for their friendship but I wanted to feel normal. They're actually really selfish and don't give a damn about me. It's just what my money can get them into hence them sitting in first class on their way to an all expenses pay trip.

The plane finally lands and I see Courtney and Kristen rush out the door not even waiting on I shake my head at their lack of thought or care

Didn't you say they aren't your friends?

My subconscious reminds me.I sigh and grab my carryon.I finally catch up to them at baggage claim as they're talking animatedly about whatever boring topic. The both of them capture the attention of all the men in the airport. Courtney is a petite bottle blonde with double D's that she claims are real but I know they're fake. I can be honest though and say that she is very beautiful with her porcelain skin.Her minion Kristen who does anything for her is a curvy brunette. She has tanned skin and she's just as beautiful. It's a shame both are beautiful on the outside ugly on the inside.

Yet you're trying to be friends with them.
Shut up conscience. It is kind of sad that in my 23 years I've decided to settle for friends that I don't even like.

"Jenelle can you hurry up we're trying to get our tan." Courtney says with a huff

I didn't realize I was deep in thought until she called my name. They already started walking out of the airport to the awaiting car,leaving me again.


As I'm about to enter the chauffeured car the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight and a chill runs down my spine. I feel eyes on me but I don't know where. I turn around to see a group of men dressed in black suits and entering awaiting jeeps. One in particular made eye contact with me and despite his good looks ,all I see is danger.My instincts yells stay far away from that group.I break eye contact and get in the car.I gulp down champagne hoping it will erase the feeling of dread.

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