Book 2 Maybe?

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I'm still playing with the idea of moving forward with this



I walk into the bedroom to see my so-called fiance  struggling to get up from the bed. He's been sick for the past 23 hours.I even had to pick him up from work.They said it might be food poison.
"Baby I think I need to go to the hospital."
He struggles to get up from the bed but fails
"I feel horrible."

I smile as he continues to struggle to get up. He stretches his hand out to me and I ignore it and glare at him
"Who's Cassandra and why have you been supporting her with my money?"
I didn't know it was possible for his face to get paler than it was before.
"You see dear fiance. I found all the receipts and found out all the information."
He tries to apologize but groans in pain.

"Amanita phalloides or death cap. I added it to your salad"
He falls back on the bed and stares at me confused.
"When this particular mushroom is digested it's undetectable after 24 hours.Its already been" I look at my watch being dramatic "23 hours, all I need to do is call an ambulance saying I found you not breathing in the next two minutes"

Over the past few years I realized something is not quite right with me. I've always hidden it from my mother by  letting her see the happy joyful girl.I would never want to disappoint my mother.He tries to speak but no words come out.I stare into has eyes as he dies.

I didn't even like my fiance but I figured he would do since I was bored. I never would have thought that this nerdy ass looking man would have a side hoe and spent fifty thousand of my money on her.After I confirm he's dead.I dial the police

"Oh my god my fiance isn't breathing." I cry hysterically. The operator tries to calm me down until the ambulance arrives. I later hear a knock on the door and paramedics and the police come in and question me as they take his body away. I keep up the act and even made my body shake in shock. The police officer grips my shoulder in sympathy.

"I need a moment." He nods and I walk to the bathroom.I check my face before exiting to continue my act.

Her Unknown Fate (BWWM) © BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now