Chapter 19

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Ambrossio stayed true to his words and didn't hit anywhere vital.I sit uncomfortably on the plane because my ass has been on fire for days.He whipped me to the point my butt cheeks are littered with welts. We arrived early in the morning to a private airstrip to go to the conference. I found out from Angelo that most of the surrounding land is owned by his family  for privacy that's why they even have their own airstrip.Their houses are scattered across the land and that he lives a mile down the road from his parents house and so does Angelina.

Angelina, Angelo ,Leonardo and his wife  Francesca are traveling with us to LA. I wanted to sit with Angelo but Ambrossio pulled me to his side.Two hours into the flight Ambrossio is asleep with his head rested on my shoulder and one hand on my thigh. Angelina motions for me to sit beside her but I decline. I don't know if this girl is messing with me to get a rise out of Ambrossio or she truly has some kind of crush on me.

I look away from her  and see Leonardo staring at my legs.I regret wearing this dress and Ambrossio's hand hiking it up doesn't help .None of these people have any decency or moral.When I boarded the jet I felt bad for Leonardo's wife because he keeps flirting and leering at the air hostesses but she didn't seem to care.All she did was stare at her diamond ring.

I try to get up hoping to play cards or talk to Angelo but Ambrossio holds me tighter.
I sigh and settle back.Whenever this man sleeps he's wrapped around my body like a boa constrictor.its suffocating. I close my eyes hoping that sleep will speed up this journey.In 48 hours I can be free from these people.I just hope his mother keeps up her end of the deal.

I wake in a bed not knowing when or how I got there but it's comfortable.I snuggle into the pillow trying to go back to sleep but a wave of nausea hits me and I run to the bathroom. I throw up what little I had in my stomach because I wasn't hungry earlier.What the hell? The pregnancy has been good so far and I didn't have any morning sickness.I lean over the toilet wretching to the point that it's painful. A hand rubs my back and I turn to see Ambrossio.

"Kitten are you alright?"

I nod before he tells me to stand and helps me to clean up myself. He takes me back to the bed and instructs me to lay down before disappearing. I must have fallen asleep because I'm being shaken awake by him and he has fruits,crackers and juice in his hands.He sits beside  me and instructs me to to sit up as he feeds me slowly.

"You didn't eat when we boarded. You have to remember to eat for you and the baby."

I nod. This care he's showing is for the baby growing inside me.I'm sure he'll kill me once he has his heir.I know nothing about this man other than he's evil but sometimes he treats me like he cares and with gentleness. After feeding me he climbs into the bed with me and caresses my hair until I fall asleep.

Someone's shaking me and I hate it .I swat their hands away and turn to the other side.
I groan and put the sheet over my head. I hear a grumble before I'm being lifted and I wrap my hands around his neck wanting to continue my sleep but he places me in a seat. I huff and glare at him.
"We're landing and to be safe you need to buckle up."
I nod and he buckles me before sitting.

The plane lands and he helps me up. Before I exit the doors I'm hit by the LA heat. It was a bit chilly when we left Italy. At the airport there are four black SUVs all surrounded by armed men. Ambrossio leads me to the one in the back and everyone else is taken to their own cars.

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