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11 years later

I sit in the principal's office as he stresses the concerns he has for Kiah.I'm in this office atleast three times a month.I turn to see her slouching in the chair looking bored.I glare at her and she sits up straight.She pouts and I know it's fake.I know my child and she isn't sorry for breaking that girl's Jaw.

"Michelle." I turn to face the principal. It took me awhile to get use to my new name.
"I'm afraid that we'll have to expel your daughter.We can't continue to jeopardize the safety of the other students. I've given her multiple chances."
I sigh because I knew this will happen again.I don't even fight the principal's anymore.
"I understand." He nods and I stand.
"Kiah let's go." She stares at me and then holds her head down.She knows I'm disappointed and not to say a word.

I don't know what happened with her.She would never hurt a fly,well that wasn't until she turned ten.Now all she does is get into fights.We walk to the car in silence.I was already drained from planning the fund raising event for the shelter.Now I need to find her a new school.I start the car and we drive in silence
I glance at her and she drops her head.I sigh.
"Kiah you can't keep fighting people who are disrespectful.Honey you have to walk away." I pat her leg and focus on the road.

"I try mom.I really do but these bitches piss me off and I have to put them in their place."
I pinch her leg "Watch your mouth."
She mumbles sorry and stares out the window.Kiah is  a smart and sweet girl but people only see her as a menace.I just wish she would stop fighting.

She might have anger issues like her sperm donor

I push the thought away because there's no way my daughter is like that bastard. I think back to the time when she asked me who's her father when there was a father-daughter dance at school. I was speechless when she asked because I never thought to come up with a story to tell her.On the spot I told her he died in the army to make her think he was a honorable man.

We pull up to the house and she walks behind still moping. No matter how old she gets she's always sad when I'm upset with her.
"Mom do you hate me?"
I gasp surprised by her words.
"No honey I will never hate you.You're my baby even if you're fifty.I just need you to stop fighting."
She nods and I pull her into a hug.

"You will now be homeschooled because I'm tired of filling out these school applications."


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