Chapter 24

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Plans have changed.Someone aggravated my soul and ruined my plans for the day. I started writing to feel better


It feels ike I just signed over my soul to the devil but when the maid handed me my baby girl it gave me some peace in this decision. I touch her chubby cheek as she does a small smile. She opens her eyes and stares at me and for a second it felt like I wasn't in hell. She has caramel skin, brown eyes and chubby cheeks.I take in that sweet baby scent and  kiss her cheeks as she coos. Ignoring everyone in the room I sit with her and remove the swaddle as I check her body ten fingers,ten toes and a chubby tummy.She's perfect. I hug her close as she fusses and rubs her face against my chest. On instinct I lift my shirt and she latches on.

"Her name is Alexandria." I look up to see Ambrossio standing before me.Ofcourse he would even take away me naming her .I picked out a name months ago if it's a girl.Her name would have been Kiah which means new beginning or new life. Not my mouth at this moment I nod. I'm still livid that he made me sign those papers just to be in my baby's life. I might just call her Kiah when he's not around.

We sit with only the sound of the baby suckling. When she's done I lift her and pat her back to burp her.I see him out the scorner of my eye staring
"You're a natural." He says but I ignore him and continue to pat her back. When she burps I lay her in my lap and she her eyes begin to close.
"Let me show you her room." He says as he stands. I follow him as he takes me to a room.He opens the door it's already decorated in pink and white.He works fast.There's a crib large enough to fit twenty babies,rocking chair and a small seating area. He walks me to a closet which is the size of another bedroom that's filled with clothes, toys and diapers.

"Her room is right next to mine." I nod and place her in the crib. I stand there staring at her as she sleeps.She's the only light in this neverending darkness.My breath hitches when he presses himself against my back.
"You know you put me through hell when you left."
My body shivers as I feel his anger roll off him in waves. He wraps his hand around my throat and turns me to face him.

"My mother told me some interesting information."
My lips tremble as he squeezes my throat tighter.He kisses away the tears that are now streaming down my face.
"You will be punished for conspiring with my bitch of a mother."
My body starts shaking. I knew if he ever found me he would hurt me for what I did  but some part of me don't regret the last 8 months of freedom that I had.


I whisper not pleading from myself but for him to not do whatever he's thinking in front of the baby.
"Not here."

He glances behind me before looking at me. He kisses my lips and rubs his nose against my neck inhaling my scent
"It won't be here or right now since you're still healing."
It gives me some peace of mind that I won't be in pain right now. He lifts his head and stares into my eyes. I see the determination in his stare

"I don't give a fuck if you love me but you will never leave me." He says in a menacing low tone.I nod.Satisfied with my response. He takes my hand and pulls me out of the room leading me down the hallway.I realize which direction we're going and fight against his hold.

"Please don't lock me away from her."

He ignores me as he drags me down the hallway. No matter how hard I struggle against his hold he doesn't loosen his hold.. When we get to the door I use my arms and legs to hold onto the frame but again he overpowers me by lifting me and throwing me on the bed.

"The end of every day you will be locked in this room. As of this moment your punishment is to only feed her and nothing else. You're lucky that I'm even allowing you to see her after what you did."

He walks out of the room slamming and locking the door.I hug my knees to my chest as I cry.I cried until my eyes burned.I hate him. I wake groaning from my tense muscle. I go to the bathroom and I look a mess. My hair is all over the place and there's bags under my eyes. Nothing in the bathroom has changed all my products are still in the same spot. Assign I remove the t-shirt that I was wearing and get in the shower.

I let the water run down my body as I think about all that has happened.Natasha. My heart aches that the only person that truly cares for me could be in pain right now. She doesn't deserve this. I turn off the shower when I feel the water getting cold and dry myself as I walk to the closet I expected to see only lingerie like the last time but there is a section filled with pajamas leggings and t-shirt for which I'm grateful. I get dressed and sit in the room awaiting my orders for the day.

It's been a month since I've been locked up and restricted from doing anything. Some days he lets me out of the room so I can care for the baby and spend some time with her. On days where I'm not allowed to see her they bring the breast pump to my room so she continues to get fed.Sometimes if he's feeling generous I get to take her to my little prison and she'll stay there with me for some parts of the night.

His psychological manipulation with the baby gives him complete control over me .If I don't listen or do as he says he threatens not to let me see her for a week.I didn't come to him as quickly as he wanted when he called me and he didn't make me see her for two days. I'm not even sure if this man loves his child because who would use their  baby to hurt someone else especially the mother.

He hasn't tried to touch me intimately and I'm grateful. I realized why when I was walking with the baby and the maid to the kitchen and I heard moaning coming from his office. I ignored it but when I was walking back upstairs I see a blonde woman in a dress barely covering her ass. She smirks at me as if she's won some competition but I don't care she can have him. As long as he's not touching me I'm good.

I lay in the bed with the baby beside me.This is one of those rare moments that I get to keep her for longer than 8 hours. I don't know what he was going out to do but he brought her to me and I wasn't going to complain about spending time with my child. I turn unable to fall asleep after my mind flashes to Natasha. I tried asking Ambrossio about her one day but he brushed me off.If it wasn't for me she wouldn't have been dragged into this awful family. I sigh and cuddle my baby closer to my body.
"Dear God please give us the strength to survive this,please keep Natasha safe."
I sigh as I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake feeling for the baby but all I feel is an empty space. My eyes pop open and she's not on the bed. I run to the bassinet and it empty. I look around frantic before I see a dark shadow sitting in the corner.


He places the cigarette to his lips and exhales the smoke as he stares at me. A shiver runs down my spine when he smirks.This can't be good. I step away from him And I realize my first mistake.Never move away from him. He stands and I freeze
"Kitten I've missed you."
He steps closer to me and I can smell the nicotine and alcohol on his breath. He pulls me to him and my body tenses as he moves his hand to my ass.He licks my neck and I feel him getting hard against my stomach.

"It's time for your punishment."

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