Chapter 23

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No it's too early.The men stare at me horrified and Ambrossio scowls at me like it's not his fault for sending me into labor.I feel my first contraction and I moan in pain as Ambrossio tries to touch me
"Get away from me! I'm two weeks early because of you,asshole."
He steps towards me angry at my tone and Leonardo blocks him
"Ambrossio keep calm.Let's get her to the hospital.Is there even a hospital in this awful place."

I slowly make my way to the couch and do my breathing exercise as I rub my stomach.
"Mateo deliver the baby."
Mateo steps towards me and I move away.
"No,he can't . Treating bullet wounds is different than delivering a baby." Ambrossio stares at me getting angrier but I don't care.
I try to breathe through the other contractions but I find myself screaming instead.

We turn when we hear a voice and it's Simon.
"There's a bunch of cars on your la-" he stops and stares at all the men who are twice his size.
In an instant Guillermo points the gun to his head and pulls the trigger.Nat and I scream as he falls to the floor.This is not how I saw myself giving birth to my baby.The contractions get closer and I get off the couch onto my knees.
"I need to push!"
I start taking off my sweatpants not caring who's here
"All of you get the fuck out."I hear Ambrossio yells

"Kitten Mateo is delivering the baby ."
I nod agreeing because I need this kid out. fuck natural birth hurts.How do people do this shit.
I roll to my back and Mateo grabs the pillows and blankets off the couch.He walks over with a bag and puts gloves on before but before he can exam me Ambrossio stops him.
"If anything happens to her or my baby I'll kill you."

I groan and sweat and tears drip down my face.
"You're crowning.I need you to push." I nod as
Ambrossio comes beside me and I glare at him
"Get awa-ahhh" I scream as I push. I don't know how long I've been pushing but I'm getting tired.
Ambrossio sits behind me holding me up but I don't have the strength to push him away.I'm so tired.
"Come on Jenelle one more push and the baby is here."
I nod and give it my all and with one more push the baby is out.I fall back on the pillows with my eyes closed as I catch my breath. I hear a small cry and I open my eyes to see Mateo wiping off the baby.
"Congratulations it's a girl."

My eyes light up.I have a baby girl.Mateo cuts the umbilical chord and reaches over to hand me the baby.
"Mateo give me the baby." Ambrossio says as he stands. Mateo hesitates as he looks at Ambrossio but he hands him to he baby.
"Give me my baby!"
I get up ignoring my discomfort from birth and nakedness.i try to lunge at him but he turns away from me holding my crying baby.
"Give her the shot."
I feel an arm around my torso as a needle pierces my neck
"Give me my -"
My eyes droop as my body grows heavy. The cries of my baby fades as my eyes close.

I wake touching my stomach realize it wasn't a dream.He found me and took my baby.I look around the room and I'm back where I'm started in the windowless room.I see a bassinet in the corner and run to it expecting to see her but it's empty.I rush to the door and bang on it
"Give me my baby you bastard!!"
I pound on the door until my hands start to ache.I grow tired and fall to the floor sobbing
"Give me my baby."

I sit by the door for hours before I hear the lock click.I scramble to my feet as it opens and I see Ambrossio strolling in with a smug look.
"Miss me kitten."
I launch myself at him landing a blow to his throat.He shakes it off as he tries to restrain me but before he can I slap and scratch his face.
"You evil son of a bitch.where is my baby?"
He growls and slaps me so hard that my nose starts bleeding.

"Calm the fuck down.I was nice enough to give you two days to heal.Don't make me extend your recovery day."

I glare at him but don't say another word.I've been unconscious for two days.I look away knowing If I continue to look at him I'll attack him again.
"Where is my baby?"
He smiles and walks into the room . I see the door is still partially open and I make a run for it before he can stop me.I don't know which room she's in but I'll find her.Before I get to the end of the hall I'm tackled.

"You've gotten more backbone since you've been gone."
He lifts me and throws me over his shoulder. I fight against his hold as he walks down the hall.I gasp in pain as he holds me tighter to restrict my movements. We enter his office and he drops me on the couch before going to his desk.He presses a button as he stares at me
"Bring her."
I move to get up and he gives me one of his dont test me glares which makes me stay in place.Two minutes later a maid walks in holding a swaddled baby.I get up to get to her but the sound of a gun being cocked halts my movement. I turn to see him pointing the gun in my direction.

"Hold on kitten, before you touch my baby.You need to sign these papers."
I look at the maid holding my baby and the documents he slides over on his desk.I glance at the document and it's a marriage certificate.
"No." I refuse to continue to be tied to this man
He looks at me amused
"If you want to touch my baby or ever be in my baby's life. You will become my wife. I'm never letting you go and if that means that you're locked in that room with no contact with her forever so it shall be."

Everytime I think this man can't top the list of unspeakable things he does,he adds to the list.I stare at the woman holding my baby as she starts to get fussy.My breast that are swollen with milk ache from her closeness.I look at my baby then at the papers. It's not hard to guess my decision.

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