Chapter 26

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It's been three months and I've managed not to piss him off.This allowed me to now have my meals in the dining room or kitchen.After the night in my bedroom he would let himself into my room and use me as his sex doll.I was terrified that he would get me pregnant again but thank god for Sylvia.In one of the checkups for both me and the baby she managed to convince Ambrossio that the shot she's about to give me is to help me heal and make sure I'm not passing anything to the baby.But it was a birth control shot. I should be protected for 3 months but after that I don't know how we'll get him to believe again.

I sit at the table feeding the baby and he's been staring at us for five minutes. I'm starting to think that I did something wrong.
"You'll be introduced to my organization as my wife and future Donna in two weeks." He says before sipping his coffee.
I turn to him because this announcement bothers me. At times when he thinks I'm not listening I overhear his phone calls. Something is going down and they all seem tense about killing a man.
"Is it safe?"
He nods
"You and the baby will be protected.The dinner will be at my father's house."
I nod as he stands and buttons his jacket.
"Angelina will be coming over with dress options."
He walks over and kisses the baby on her forehead before pulling me to him and capturing my lips.

"Be good" I nod and he leaves for the day.

I walk down stairs to get mine and the baby's lunch started. When I get to the kitchen I see the blond bitch that I know he fucks occasionally.I place Kiah in her high chair and ignore her stares as I walk to the fridge. Everytime his woman sees me she glares at me.

"He doesn't want you.You're palace holder until he comes to his senses."

I ignore her as I make my sandwich. I know she's a pass around because I've heard some of the guards and Leonardo joking and talking about her not having walls but they'd still fuck. I grow nauseous thinking again that I might have caught something from Ambrossio sticking his dick in community pussy.

"Did you hear me bitch.He will be mine."
I walk to the microwave and warm up the baby's food. I see her from the corner of my eyes getting red.I grab a knife and start slicing the pickles for my sandwich.God I'm starving.She stomps her feet like a child when she realizes I'm not paying her attention.

I see her walking towards me before she places her hands on my shoulder and turns me around.
"Listen to me."
She rambles and I stare at her annoyed.I raise my fist and punch her hearing a crack.She screams as blood gushes out her nose.I roll my eyes as I grab her by her cheap weave to get her attention.
"Shut the fuck up hoe. There is no competition because I don't even want him or am I fighting to keep him. He's the one who's obsessed with me.Now get the fuck out of my face so I can make my lunch."

I push her away and she stumbles in her stilettos.She runs out the room crying and I see Angelo in the doorway with Angelina.
I lift my hand to wave at him but he stares at me and leaves. I'm a little sad by his actions because I really did think we were friends in some way.
Angelina walks into the kitchen with her hands are filled with bags of dresses.
"Hi beautiful,I didn't know you knew how to beat disrespectful bitches."
I fight not to roll my eyes at her as she walks over to the baby

"Ciao bella piccola." (Hi beautiful baby.) She says as she kisses Kiah.
She turns to me as I take a bite of my sandwich.
"Hurry up and eat we have dressed to try."I nod and hand her the small bowl of squash to feed Kiah as I eat my sandwich.

I groan exhausted from trying on ten dresses. Every dress that I like Angelina doesn't and vice versa.
"You're not going to represent my family looking basic."
I wish I could slap her ass. It's been 3 hours. Once I tried on all the dress that she brought she ends up calling someone else to bring more dresses to try.

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