A Spa Day With The Agents

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
(F/p) = Favorite pastry
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

After getting out of the hospital and getting Jay out of her room (Y/n) decided to take Victoria, Mary and Jay to a Spa resort she saw but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

It's about 7 in the morning and I'm on my phone surfing the Splatnet with Rina wrapping her around me in her sleep but I'm looking comments about the music bombs that Pāku'i, Bo, Mizuta and I dropped yesterday

(Y/n): the comments are all positive from the people of the Islands and back home and some place called Splatsville...neat

As I continue to look through my phone then I feel the forces of gravity take my phone and force it onto my face

(Y/n): ow...well at lest it wasn't a Nokia

Marina: *sleepily groans as she wakes up* (Y/n) why are you up this early?

(Y/n): well I couldn't get back to sleep so decided to surf the web and now I need to use the restroom

Marina: *sighs* hold on let me get your crutches

(Y/n): thank you Rina~

And just like that Marina begrudgingly gets out of bed and turns a lamp on, I sit myself up with what ever mobility I have in my hips and with me upper body strength

Marina: *hands (Y/n) her crutches* if you do go out anywhere please tell someone and be safe

(Y/n): *grabs her crutches and gets out of bed* don't worry so much Rina I'll be fine

Marina: if you say so

I just smile at her then I quickly hopped my over to the bathroom that's connected to our room before my bladder decides to explode on me

<time skip 20 mins brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) taking a hot bath>

After doing my business in the bathroom and having a hot bath then I find Rina back in bed sound asleep, so I put on some new clothes and headed towards the lounge room but I smell something delicious in the air

(Y/n): *sniffs the air* what is that succulent smell? *sniffs the air again* It smell like fresh quiches!

I change my path a bit and made my way to the kitchen and once I get there I see Victoria with the quiches so I move as quietly as I can but I hear her sing a song of mine

Victoria: And we follow the path that we believe in
No we're not gonna stop until we reach it
Oh all you need to know is that we're holding on
We rise up from the dust and claim our throne🎶

(Y/n): good song choice. *places her crutches behind her* hey Victoria think fast

Narrator's p.o.v

When Victoria hears that she quickly turns around and sees (Y/n) falling towards her so she quickly catches (Y/n)

Victoria: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): oh no, "(Y/n)" in b-flat, you're disappointed

Victoria: it's more the fact that you decided to throw yourself at me

(Y/n): sorry Victoria I won't do it again

Victoria: you better hope so, or Marina will be hearing about this

I got isekai'd into splatoon, but I'm a Futa.( Splatoon X Futa Reader )Where stories live. Discover now