3 way date

306 5 13

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) = authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
(F/p) = Favorite pastry
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
------------------Narrator's p.o.v

A few days have passed since GLaDOS' identity was revealed to Deep Cut and now we see Zoe walking towards (Y/n)'s house quietly talking to herself

Zoe: come on, Zoe, you got this. It's just asking  (Y/n) out for a date, what's the that could happen?

Zoe then walks up to the door and knocks on it, and after waiting for a couple of minutes the door opens to reveal Jay on the other side

Jay: oh, hey 3

Zoe: hey Cap'n, is (Y/n) home by any chance?

Jay: not yet, she went for jog an hour ago. So we don't know when she could be back, but you can come inside

Zoe; ah, I don't mean to intrude...

Jay: nonsense, come inside just be mindful of your surroundings, there are little scamps running around the joint

Zoe: *walks into the house* meaning?

As Zoe keeps her eyes on Jay only to be toppled by Fenyx and Shay who were being chased by Bridget whom was holding a foam sword

Jay: *steps in front of the three* settle down you three, we've got a guest over. So be a little bit more respectful

Fenyx & Shay: sorry Mom...

Bridget: sorry Jayma

Jay: just be a little more careful next time, now run along and don't make any more trouble

Fenyx, Shay & Bridget: Kay!

With that the kids run off to continue playing while Jay helps Zoe back up to her feet and brings her to the living room and sit on the couch

Jay: so how exactly did you find this place? And why are you looking for (Y/n)?

Zoe: (Y/n) messaged me the address, and I want to ask (Y/n) out...

Jay: as in asking her out, you mean like a hang out or a date?

Zoe: a date...

Jay: (Y/n) really needs to stop seducing people. May I ask why?

Zoe: well... during our time together down in Alterna, there was this feeling that kept growing inside of me, this aww and admiration for (Y/n)

Jay: yeah, that doesn't surprise me. (Y/n) has this aura around her, you'd never know what it is at a first glance, but you learn to appreciate it

Zoe: I know what you mean, she's amazing on the battlefield and as chaotic as she may seem, she's always planing something that benefits the people she's fighting for

Jay: you don't know the half of it...

Zoe: what do you mean by that?

Jay: it's nothing to worry about, Zoe

Zoe: okay... so, who were those kids?

Jay: oh those three, the two hybrids are my daughters and the Octoling is Victoria's daughter, and their names are Fenyx, Shay and Bridget. But now you're trying to figure out whom their father is now?

Zoe: spitballing here, is it (Y/n)?

Jay: that's correct... how did...?

Zoe: well, she's like really smart, right, so she might've been able to splice DNA...? I don't know what I'm saying...

I got isekai'd into splatoon, but I'm a Futa.( Splatoon X Futa Reader )Where stories live. Discover now