A Day In Inkopolis

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
(F/p) = Favorite pastry
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
------------------Narrator's p.o.v

A week has passed since realities collided now we see (Y/n) in A.S.P.L with Alastor preparing audio equipment and ordering the robots to get instruments but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Here I am sitting on a Companion Cube watching Alastor getting everything organised for a song he made and wanted my opinion on it

(Y/n): you almost done Al or do you need a hand?

Alastor: I'm almost ready my friend, so no need to worry *adjusts the levels* and done, now then, let's get this show started!

((A/n): song rights belong to E-Dubble))

After the song finished I had only think on my mind and that's bringing back nostalgia

(Y/n): welcome back to The Wildcat Cooking Show. Didn't know you could rap

Alastor: I still hold many secrets my friend, also I found someone wandering around the facility a week ago

(Y/n): do lead the way Al *hops off the Companion Cube*

I follow Alastor to be the holding cells of the laboratory because who doesn't need some and when we get there I see a pair of red eyes that look like radio dials and an insane golden toothy grin amongst the shadows that's in the cell and I know who it is

(Y/n): I would like to talk to them alone please

Alastor: of course, you probably know who it is

Once Al leaves the room I walk towards it then hear banging to my left where Hyde is kept but I ignore him and kept walking until I'm a few feet away from the cell where the eyes are

(Y/n): hello Radio Demon...

Alastor: *steps out from the shadows* my~ you're the first person here to recognise me

(Y/n): now why are you here? I would've thought you of all Demons would be looking after Charlie's passion project while the Princess is with her family

Alastor: and what for? The Rider has that covered already

(Y/n): of course she does

Alastor: as for why I'm here, well I don't exactly remember, all I remember was hearing a strange voice then a blinding white light then I'm here

(Y/n): that is very odd, but you won't be here for very long

Alastor: don't worry I wasn't planning on staying anyway

And like that silence fills the room until my vision becomes static and I could hear white noise ring in my ears and I know damn well it's the Radio Demon trying to scare me, so I grab Lucifer's Bane and fire it at the wall making the static disappear

(Y/n): I'm not in the mood for your games Demon

Alastor: oh ho ho ho! You are certainly witty

I see Radio Demon's smile harden as his eyes glow as I let out sigh and leave the room as I hear a light hum meaning JoJo showed up to take him back to Hell and as I walk away and see the Radio Squid repairing ATLAS and P-Body from most likely from them falling down the stairs again

I got isekai'd into splatoon, but I'm a Futa.( Splatoon X Futa Reader )Where stories live. Discover now