Into a 'new' world

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action

Narrator p.o.v
We start our story with a young girl name (Y/n) playing splatoon 2 trying to 100% the main campaign but is struggling and by struggling I mean try to platform with the hero-roller. Now enough about descriptions let's into the meat and potatoes.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v
(Y/n): Fucking finally level complete and now I'm horny.

I say that as I look at my clock and it's 2:59 am

(Y/n): huh neat, welp time to sleep now but seriously who put rollers on a platforming stage it was hard enough with the slosher.

As I was about hop into bed I heard a sound coming from the tv, so I turn back to tv and low and behold it's turned on

(Y/n): ok then that's weird

I approach my tv white text started forming and read 'are you still wanting to play'. My mind just went nope as I turn around but I can't move so I look down white tentacle-like arm grabbing my ankles and is now dragging me towards the tv

(Y/n): well at lest it's not trying to rape me and OH HELL NO

I trying to grab anything that can reach but everything just has to be just out of reach and before yell again I'm overcome by a flash of light

(Y/n) p.o.v <location-octo canyon>

(Y/n): I feel like every bone in my body just broke

I say that as sit up and start rubbing my face then realization hits me like a flaming semi-truck

(Y/n): wait I'm alive? I'M ALIVE WOHOO! But I feel different why?

After saying that I look for reflective surface of some sort and sooner or later I find a puddle and looked to see myself but truly myself

After saying that I look for reflective surface of some sort and sooner or later I find a puddle and looked to see myself but truly myself

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((A/n): ignore the octoshoot because you found that later and eyes are (F/c) so yeah)

I'm an octoling but not playable one as I see this I stumble back from the shock

(Y/n): ok (Y/n) let's think about this for sec you were just playing splatoon 2, tired to go to bed then tv turn it self on then proceed to drag me into it and I'm here

I say that as I'm rubbing my temples, then a thought immediately rushed to my mind

(Y/n): I'm ether be found by ether the Octarian army or the squidbeak splatoon and I hope it's the agents

Agent 4's p.o.v
Marie said she saw a flash of light coming from the canyon last night after her patrol was finished so Instead of going herself to search for the source she sends me out

4: so tell me again why I'm out and not you

Marie (radio): because I saw late last night and I'm super tired to look plus if any remaining members of the Octatian army that source they would most likely want to free Octavio

4: fine I'll look. Lazy bitch

Marie(radio): thank you

I head to where the location of the light was last seen and it's going take a while

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I'm walking around try find my bearings and as I'm walking there is massive amount of discomfort in my crouch area

(Y/n): ok this getting annoying I'm only walking and my shorts fill tight and they are already tight from the looks of it

I look around to found something to sit on and to find a rock looking like bench

(Y/n): it's better than sitting on the ground

I sit down on the rock and pull my shorts down to find something I would thought I'll see

(Y/n): huh I've got a dick and a pussy
(Y/n): I'VE GOT DICK AND PUSSY, ok ok ok let's clam down there most be an explanation for this aaand there isn't fuck

As I pull my shorts back up I think how in hell did I became a futa until I hear a noise that sound like super jump

4's p.o.v
As I landed where the light source was located and I looked around for any source only to be none

4: hey Marie I can't the source anywhere and no signs the octarian army ether

Marie(radio): weird, ok 4 keep searching it could just be a mini zap-fish that overloaded on pent-up energy for all we know

After she says that I here a small rock fall

4: hey Marie I'm gonna call ya back I think someone is here

After that cut the call head towards the rock with my dualie at the ready

4:I know you're back there come out or be splated

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

4: I know you're back there come out or be splated

(Y/n): shit shit shit shit shit, ok it's agent 4 why is she out here and how is out here?!

4: don't make me repeat myself just come out of hiding

(Y/n): ok ok I'm coming out just don't shoot

I say as walk out of hiding only to see agent 4 with a surprised face

4's p.o.v

???: ok ok I'm coming out just don't shoot

They say that as they come out form behind the rock but what surprised me the most is that thought it was a inkling but it was an octoling but she didn't look like 8, she looked more like Marina and the ones from Octarian army

4: ok I don't who you are but your coming coming with me

As I finished she just nodded her head at me and could see and tell she had some fear of me but she does look kinda cu- no bad 4. I still had gun point and I decided to Marie to call Sheldon to bring the truck

4: ok so transport coming so I suggest you sit there and try not to comfortable *smirks*

(A/n): so that's the first chapter I hope it's good if you can give suggestions on how this story play out, other then that I'll see ya bye bye

I got isekai'd into splatoon, but I'm a Futa.( Splatoon X Futa Reader )Where stories live. Discover now