Meeting the Cap'n & deadocto walking

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
Narrator's p.o.v

It's early morning and we see our protagonist waking up packing up her her sleeping equipment and headed up to their room but enough of it's time to get on with the meat and potatoes

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

(Y/n): I still can't believe that I'm up this early

As I'm getting up and getting myself organized and as I'm doing that noticed that Ivy wasn't near me and as I start looking around until I see her snuggling into Rina with a smile on her face while Rina is hugging her in their sleep

(Y/n): awww that's real sweet, Ivy is warming up to her, but now I need to Focus and head out and possibly steal the CQ-80 from Victoria, I'm sure she won't mind would she? Nah

<time skip-1hr later-location outside of deepsea metro station>

(Y/n): ok I'm out side the metro and I'm re-thinking things right now but this the only way to meet Cuttlefish and Dedf1sh and I'm thinking out loud good job me, well at least I've got Victoria's CQ-80 with all of the chat rooms on it and a bag full of my Octo gear incase I need to fight anything down there. Seriously I need to stop talking to myself I sound like I'm crazy

I walk down and onto the central station platform and waited for the subway but I didn't have to wait very long as it basically showed up as I arrived

(Y/n): huh, neat

Cuttlefish's p.o.v

I'm sitting on the subway thinking about new rhymes for my rap career and how my nieces are doing since I haven't seen them since Jay's birthday

Cuttlefish: I hope Callie and Marie have found someone yet, I know Marie dated once but then the she found out the guy
was gold digger and was using her fame for his own gain. *sigh*

C.Q Cumber: how are you Cuttlefish, something on your mind?

Cuttlefish: not much just thinking about my nieces that's all

C.Q Cumber: well if you need to talk I'm all earholes

After our talk the subway came to a screeching halt and C.Q Cumber looked over to the window to see we are are at the central station

C.Q Cumber: it seems like we have come to a holt

Cuttlefish: I wonder who's coming on

C.Q Cumber: possibly 10,008

Cuttlefish: could be, who knows

With the doors opening up we see an Octoling walk in with a bag on her but looking a bit closer at her tentacles she doesn't look like Victoria what so ever instead she looked more like Marina and the ones from the Octarian army

???: hi um are you Cap'n Cuttlefish?

Cuttlefish: I am and who wants to know, did Octavio send you here to splat me?

I got isekai'd into splatoon, but I'm a Futa.( Splatoon X Futa Reader )Where stories live. Discover now