Playing some Turf

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
Narrator's p.o.v

Victoria has bought her new friend a nice jumper with a simple shirt with it but when she returns to find something else. Now on with the meat and potatoes

Victoria's p.o.v

As I returned to give (Y/n) her new clothes I couldn't find her at all but Mary was outside looking off into the canyon thinking of something

Victoria: hey Mary are you ok?

Mary: huh! Oh it's only you Victoria I thought it ether Marie or Callie and I'm just thinking about stuff that just transpired

Victoria: what happened while I was gone?

Mary: well to start things Jay grabbed (Y/n) then they arguing about something, then clashed heads and was about to go into a full on brawl until Marie stopped both of them before it got messy, now Jay is fenced off in a corner in cabin being lectured by Marie and (Y/n) is most likely in Marie's room

Victoria: thanks Mary for the info

Mary: no problem

I enter the cabin I can see Marie lecturing Jay about what happed while I was away, I walked pass that and head up stairs to see walk out of Marie's room with a slight smile on her face

Victoria: hey Callie how's (Y/n) holding up

Callie: oh Victoria hi and (Y/n) doing well just still little frustrated at moment

Victoria: can I see her please? I want to make sure if she's ok

Callie: fine, only because she's been throwing Marie's stuff at me whenever I ask her what happened outside

Victoria: thanks and Mary told what happened while I was away so you could ask her about what happened

Callie: thanks

After that she left to probably find Mary to talk to her then probably head into the kitchen to make something but that isn't my problem right now, my problem is (Y/n) ok

Narrator's p.o.v

Victoria made her way into the room only to meet a dragon plush flying at her face and hitting her

(Y/n): sorry Victoria I thought you were Callie

Victoria: *grabs plush* it's fine, I just wanted to make sure you were fine after what happened while I was away

(Y/n): *sigh* yeah I'm fine just thinking about stuff at the moment

Victoria: well I got you a new shirt with a jumper *smiles*

When (Y/n) saw the jumper and shirt she went wide eyed and started having flashbacks about a certain Octoling getting stabbed by someone with Long very long sliver hair and a single wing. After having that horrible experience and shaking that thought out of her head

(Y/n): *smiles* thanks Victoria, can you leave the room for a bit so I can change please

Victoria: sure after you finish let's play some Turf

(Y/n): *giggles* sure Victoria sure

With that conversation ended Victoria left the room and (Y/n) started to change her top, as she took her top off her octo D's bounced freely. After changing (Y/n) and Victoria went Ammo Knights to get (Y/n) a weapon for Turf

Victoria: so what weapon do you want

(Y/n): probably a splat-roller, it's easy to control and covers a lot of ground when in use, that and I used it a lot when I was a human so there that

Victoria: yeah and it's a good starter weapon anyway

Then Victoria went over to Sheldon and bought a splat-roller for (Y/n), after being purchased she gave to (Y/n) then went to play some Turf

(Y/n)'s p.o.v <time skip about 8 hours>

I've been playing Turf for hours now, I've got 46-23 win-lose streak and Victoria left after 21 games saying it was getting late and make Mary concerned about her being out to late which I agreed and then said are goodbyes

(Y/n): whew *wipes sweat away* that was tiring, well I did play 69 games hehe nice, now *yawns* time to head back

Now I'm walking back to the drain pipe but I'm way to fucking tired to think straight and I somehow ended up in an alleyway before collapsing and taken by sleep but before sleep over takes I hear gasp and quick steps and now sleep takes me

I got isekai'd into splatoon, but I'm a Futa.( Splatoon X Futa Reader )Where stories live. Discover now