A Fantastic Day Out

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) = authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
(F/p) = Favorite pastry
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
------------------Narrator's p.o.v
A few weeks have pasted since the concert and Ivy's date and with those weeks Deep Cut had their Splatfest with Shiver winning... but now we (Y/n) looking over a set of blueprints but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

(Y/n): now what in God's green earth, does Pearl want me to make her a mobile base or a drone?

Mary: sup (Y/n), what's that you got there?

(Y/n); blueprints that Pearl has given me

Mary: neat, speaking of Pearl, Vic has been getting these weird cryptic messages from Off The Hook and Miz has gone back to the Metro, for reasons I don't know

(Y/n): weird... so what have you been up to?

Mary: I got a modelling gig, pays well, like $60,000 per session

(Y/n): well fuck me, that's really good. Who set you up with this gig?

Mary: Callie and Marie

(Y/n): that explains a lot, also your a perv

Mary: hello to you as well pot, how are you doing?

(Y/n): I'm doing great, by not staying in the closet and expressing myself in spectator fashion!

Mary: right...

(Y/n): alrighty then, who's the sexiest person in this building other than me?

Mary: Vic... also egotistical much?

(Y/n): I'm only egotistical when I want to be. Best thing about Vic?

Mary: her tan lines that she gets during summer and her under boob. Bitch I'm calling cap

(Y/n): call it what you want, but I—

???: but what prevs?

(Y/n): *looks towards the voice and sees Jay and Victoria* oh, hey girls!~

Jay: the hell are you two doing? No scratch that, what in the fuck are you talking about?!

Mary: listing the things we like

Victoria: and my under boob and tan lines happens to be on that list...?

(Y/n): you make it sound like a bad thing

Jay: ugh! You are so childish

Victoria: you forget who you're talking to, Jay

Jay: shut it... I don't need the reminder

Mary: so what are you two doing?

Victoria: funnily enough, we actually came looking for the two of you

(Y/n): oh and what would that be?

Jay: Victoria suggested that the four of us should go and have a girls day out

Mary: sure, let's do that, it's been awhile since we've all hung out together

(Y/n): I agree, it'll give me a reason to step away from the lab for a bit

Jay: you're becoming more focused on those machines then you're own kids

(Y/n): and that's where you're wrong Jay, have you ever wondered how all the kids are already tucked in and fast asleep dreaming blissfully?

Jay: yes I have... are you saying that you doing that?!

(Y/n): you'd be correct, now shall we head out?

I got isekai'd into splatoon, but I'm a Futa.( Splatoon X Futa Reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon